Sorry about adressing you as a male!

Your photo is so nice I overlooked the mark

good excuse, no?

If you have only one or two colonies I think it a good advise to observe what?s going on all he time, just to learn. I did it too, yes, terrible me watched them die out with a kind of horrible fascination, but I had the excuse they were treated and dying anyway.
I think I learned more about bee pests and disease than about anything else about beekeeping. With one look I can tell you the state they are in.
If I were you I would cut out a part of the first drone comb, open cells and evaluate the infestation. Or do an alcohol wash in spring, before apple blossom.
If you dust the hive with sugar every 3 weeks this works like an OAV vaporising. You can keep the numbers low, but you must start in may.
Afterwards wash the sugar and count mites. Dust the whole hive, all bees, then its monitoring and treatment at the same time.
I did it and it worked well, but I was too late, the virus had taken over. It was in late summer, when my first hive, treated, was reinfested by robbing.
You can ask me any questions you want to, I have much experience doing this with co-workers on our way to treatment free beekeeping. We have a mind mapping thread in my german forum.
I can tell you what works and what
does not. I?m still on my way too.
And I have no problems if someone decides to treat, fearing crash. In an approach to tf timing of actions and monitoring mites is most important.