Did my last inspections of the season today. The other colony that had a super high mite count must have absconded, because their hive was completely empty today. I've been mistaking robbers for normal traffic for probably a day or two, given the amount of beetle damage on the comb. So I'm down to 7 colonies. This isn't exactly what people mean by "take your losses in the fall", but oh well. This also means I've got another super or two to crush and strain, since I've already distributed the extra honey from the other two deadouts to the rest of the colonies, so everyone is jam packed already.
So the final actual inspection was my tiny mean colony, which was meaner than ever today, probably due to partially the robbing pressure they have surely been experiencing since they were next to the empty colony. They are already broodless for the winter, but their population actually looked really good. Man, they were difficult to work though; bees flying everywhere, my suit probably took 20 stings, and I went back to the apiary suitless to get something I left up there and took a sting to the knee for my trouble. They are definitely being requeened first thing next spring.
So, that's the end of inspection season for me. I'm probably going to hit everyone with OAV here in the next week due to all these collapsing colonies, and of course I've got plenty of equipment to clean and store, so not quite done with the bee work yet, but I hopefully won't see the inside of a hive now until March or April.