Are "Bump-Stocks" getting banned?

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President signed it into law today saying he kept his promise.

It's being done under the same law that restricts full auto weapons so I'm guess they will face the same restrictions.  As pointed out, you can jump through the hoops and get full auto weapons, but few actually qualify to do so or want to jump those hoops. 

We have not seen the actual order and it was not a new law.  It is an EO done by way of ATF.  A reclassification, if you will.


--- Quote from: kathyp on December 18, 2018, 07:44:29 pm ---We have not seen the actual order and it was not a new law.  It is an EO done by way of ATF.  A reclassification, if you will.

--- End quote ---
Which means that is is not constitutional. It?s not a law that congress approved and then signed by the president.


--- Quote ---Which means that is is not constitutional. It?s not a law that congress approved and then signed by the president.
--- End quote ---

It's not a weapon.  It's an add-on.  Because it is not a weapon and does not technically impact 2nd amendment issues, I think it is within the ATF wheelhouse to regulate.

Honestly, I don't think anyone will challenge it.  I can't think what grounds they would use. 

The way my small brain sees it - the government can't just pass a "ruling" requiring any person to Turn In something that they legally purchased - regardless of what that "something" is. They have to compensate the individual, or allow a means to continue legal ownership. This goes far beyond the 2nd Amendment. Imho.

Even once machine guns were banned, legal owners were offered a path of registration.

Also - all bump-stocks that I saw sold (10 yrs ago?) Came with a letter from the BATFE stating specifically that they had been reviewed and were legal.

I can see several groups taking issue with being forced to turn something in with no alternatives. What is next? ... with they want to take our homes without compensation? ... it has been done in history, just not here ... yet ...



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