Stolen Hives
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
What a forklifter!
A Californian beekeeper has reported that 128 of his hives were stolen.
Bruce Beekman, co-owner of Beekman Apiaries, said the stolen bees were worth about $26,000. They were owned by a beekeeper from Wyoming, who had sent them here to help with almond pollination in February.
Tire tracks indicated that the thief used a forklift and flatbed truck. He also knew what he was doing as he took only unbranded hives.
all this is is someone stealing hive that are not branded and probably taking them about 40 miles away and make money on another almond farm.
Horns Pure Honey:
that is horrible, I hope they catch whom ever did it, bye
This looks less to me like somone trying to make money by stealing someone elses hives, and more like a california almond grower who didn't order his pollinating hives early enough, and missed the boat. So in order to pollinate his crops, he resorts to midnight bee movers inc.
--- Quote from: Jay ---This looks less to me like somone trying to make money by stealing someone elses hives, and more like a california almond grower who didn't order his pollinating hives early enough, and missed the boat. So in order to pollinate his crops, he resorts to midnight bee movers inc.
--- End quote ---
Either way jay , if it was a almond grower he did it for the money, dont have to lease hives and free pollination, better crop
With the last hive bodies I built last fall I started using the routor and carving a brand in my hives. I also did the same for the clubs hives.
:D Al
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