I am really confused Ace, some folks don't like the idea of hunting. Reading your post , it seems that you might be one of theses folks? If you don't like to hunt, for any Or whatever reason that is your privlege. Some folks do enjoy the hunting experiance. That is their privlege also. There are many things that go on that I may not approve of or there again approve of. One thing is for sure our For-Fathers hunted. Hunters, through their taxes for one thing support the protection of animals, such as game laws, game limits, fish and game programs that enhance the repopulation of animals and birds that was one almost completely lost due to los of habitat. Not only with taxes it with donations to groups which donate LARGE sums of money in order to see habitat preserved and restored. Such as ducks unlimited and others. Through these programs taxes of hunters and fishermen , in my short lifetime, Deer, turkey, geese ducks and other wildlife that simply didn't exist in my area are or very common. The Hinter has contributed much to bring back and contribute to the love of wildlife. Not the cougar, the wolf, the buzzards, and on and on it goes are all making comebacks. Weather we or not we agree or disagree, the hunter has done an outstanding, and doing an outstanding job and is responsible for doing the biggest part to save our wildlife and insure there is plenty of it for the future. Shooting a bear with a 22 may not seem like a big deal to a non hunter that may not understand the magnitude of the sever injury, pain, and suffering that the animal WILL endure, weather the animal survives or not. But it is a big deal to the animal lover the hunter. If you need to protect your property with fire power, I for one certinally understand, but Please use a firearm that will humanly dispose of the animal. And if that choice is made, please use the meat for food so the bear will not have died in vain. Please put up the electric fence. No harm meant Ace not taking sides against you...
PS. I am working and did not have time to proof read please excuse any jumbled up words or misspelling. Done on my phone .