How it Went ... and going ... for anyone that's interested
Short answer, better than I expected .. maybe?

Felt like an idiot a lot so I got to laugh at myself a lot.. hopefully you'll get a laugh outta this too.
Longer answer:
1. I didn't die, so that's good as far as I'm concerned. Others may disagree.
2. Sucked up lots and lots of bees, accidentally released lots of bees.
3. Didn't fall off half the ladder but I did fall off the other half. Better than falling off a whole ladder and the whole ladder was only 8'. So that balanced out?
4. Held onto the heavy tray full of honeycomb and bees and kept it from spilling onto the ground; but the bees weren't appreciative of that, and still took their anger out on me.
5. Found out that ... Vac hoses + electrical cords + darkness + clumsiness + honey on everything = old fart accelerating @ 32ft./sec./sec.
6. Needed some tools and things that I forgot to take but had lots of tools and things that I didn't need, so I guess it balanced out too.
7. Got the queen by accidentally sucking her up (cf. #2), dunno if I still have her, but I think I do ... based on how bees are acting ...But I really don't know how bees act ... so ... I hope somebody will answer the question at the bottom of this post.
8. I think I would have needed more space than in a single brood box, but the bees helped me out there. (cf. #2)
9. It seems that friends seem to be "busy" if you ask them to help deal with bees. Of course, everyone knows are that bees are "busy"... but...Apparently, they can induce "busy-ness" at a distance ... perhaps by quantum entanglement through awareness of the bees ? .. further study needed...
10. Have Two 5 gal. buckets of honeycomb even after putting honeycomb in the new hive, baiting a swarm trap thing, and dropping a bunch ... that's a real plus for a family that eats a pint a year... but surprisingly, I have several friends that have offered to help me out there.
11. Was able to make an impromptu study of the structural integrity of honeycomb so that I could remove it more successfully ... and painting myself from head to toe in honey and angry bees using a gravity powered honeycomb.
12. Also found out that bee coated honeycomb follows the same law of physics governing jellied toast ...(that the odds of a dropped piece landing jelly side down are directly proportional to the consequences thereof)... bees corresponding to jelly, me as the carpet, and the number of angry bees to the cost of the carpet.
13. Developed a hypothesis that bees are like cats when it comes to herding them ... If you have psychotic cats and pump them up on a lot of meth. ... which caused me to wonder if using marijuana in the smoker would make the bees lethargic and worthless for an hour, and then eat all the honey ... and if this would legally qualify as a "medical use" for treating bee stings "a priori". .. then if there were any legally approved preventative uses for the stuff ... oops, thats the way my damaged brain works. My wife has put up with a lot for 38 years. anyway, sorry, back to bees.
Question : I now have a Langstroth 10 frame hive full of bees. I put a 1x2 across the entrance to contain them and later noticed that they had gotten together and moved it... After a few choice words and trying to tease the door shut without smashing them, noticed a few bees coming back, so I watched for a while and internally smoked myself with a Camel. Don't know if the smoking helped but it seemed to.
Anyway, it looked like they were leaving, scavenging honey and coming back to the hive. During the time I watched, measured as 1 cigarette, more bees went into the hive than came out ... 55 (+/- dunno) vs. 22 .. Does this mean the queen is in there ?
On the facetious side, There seem to be a LOT of drones ... can feeding them Bud light trans them to a queen?
sorry, it's a disease. Theirs, mine, or both : your choice.