Scientist: "My findings are meaningless if taken out of context."
Media: Scientist claims his "findings are meaningless."
Ha! just about right lol. When I was a boy our local 'Country' Store also happened to be the headquarters for the district "Justice of The Peace". Yes; similar to the "Archie Campbell Style" set up, less the barber shop lol. Our local "Justice of The Peace" at the time once said something similar too; "If you tell a reporter a Red Car with an off colored vinyl top came over the hill and rammed into a farmers dairy cow."
It would be reported in the 'morning paper': "An orange car with a dixie flag on top, jumped the hill, hitting poor Miss Emmas'
only milk cow, killing it grave yard dead!" never slowing down and yelling Yee Haa as it sped away!
Apparently Mr Bush, little has changed as far as accurate reporting is concerned!