How long to keep the Queen in a Queen cage?

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I have just done my first cut out today, I had a swarm of bees take up residence in the wall of my house while I was away. I removed the comb with very little damage and placed it in frames with elastic bands. I was pleased to see plenty of larva and capped brood. I caught the Queen and placed her in a Queen cage inside the hive box with the frames and placed the hive box with the landing as close to the original entrance as possible, its about 10cm away. I also put a feeder frame in the box with 3lts of sugar syrup,  How long should I leave the Queen in the cage for?

I have just done my first cut out today, I had a swarm of bees take up residence in the wall of my house while I was away. I removed the comb with very little damage and placed it in frames with elastic bands. I was pleased to see plenty of larva and capped brood. I caught the Queen and placed her in a Queen cage inside the hive box with the frames and placed the hive box with the landing as close to the original entrance as possible, its about 10cm away. I also put a feeder frame in the box with 3lts of sugar syrup,  How long should I leave the Queen in the cage for?

Michael Bush:
Three or four days should work.  You could also put an excluder in "includer" position so the queen can lay but she can't leave.

Thank you.
I will do just as you suggest.

If the bees are using the hive box put a queen excluder under the bottom box and turn her loose.


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