Its about the culture iddee if you feel the need for 300m guns you need to accept the collateral damage.
I am going to kind of agree with you for a change
You missed one thing that I will add, and that is that it is about rights.
Our culture is very different from yours. In spite of our leftist friends wishing to make us a dependant society, most of us reject this change in whole or in part. This is a cultural difference from much of the once ruled European world. We do not wish to be subjects and fought a whole war (in fact, more than one) to keep that from happening.
Your "rights" are given and taken by your government. Ours are understood to be natural rights. We, and they, are protected from our government.
And so yes, we accept that there are people who will abuse any right and we do accept that collateral damage.
The gun control issue has never been about saving lives. There are a million ways that lives could be saved with restrictions and new laws about all kinds of things other than guns. You could ban backyard pools and/or raise the driving age to 21. 1000s of lives would be saved.
I have to agree with Kathy. There is a huge cultural difference between America and Europe. And quite frankly it can be a bit frightening.
We don't want to be put into sugjection and bondage. We want to be free (responsibly free, and be good). We want to be at peace with others also, despite what a few nuts are trying to do to make people think otherwise. Europe and much of Asia also reject God entirely for the most part to the point of near Atheism. Europe embraces being in bondage. If you want an example of this look at, the European Economic Community (which became the European Union). Its leaders were basically Nazi bankers. And you can look it up. Herman Goring, and Walter Funk, also Walter Hallstein (EU and EEC leaders...look them up). (And when you add rejecting God into the mix (not to mention how all the churches in Europe have become museums...) you see a picture where with no foundation of trying to do & be good, you can be led astray down dark roads easily.) we just had a Godless villain for a president for 8 years, but he wasn't the only one (And yes our government is imperfect now also). A lot of the stuff Obama did is coming out. And he tried to put us in bondage in many many ways. A lot of people mistook his immorality and cleverness for being good. A lot of the push back is to undo him trying to put us into bondage. (This may spill out into some ways that could be painful for people.)
A lot of the world doesn't understand this and then they go villainize the current president, who is imperfect. I'm not saying the current president is perfect but you can't expect that there wouldn't be some kind of pushback after all the crazy schemes that Obama and the Clintons did could you? (People have become highly interested in all the foreign money that came into the Clinton Foundation, and how that money has been shown by Judicial Watch to have gone into the democratic party and corrupt them by putting them into heavy vices. People have also become interested in 'The Clinton Body Count' in the last two years.)
My understanding also is that very few people even try to study these issues out. They just rationalize going with what's popular. But good and evil, is always going to end up with good outnumbered by the numbers of who wants to be bad. Then they go villainize Trump for trying to fix some things that shouldn't be happening.
When you look up things that Obama and the Clintons did, you can see why there's pushback to correct where things went wrong. Obama's 'Fast & the Furious' operation (he armed drugdealers on the border and they killed people), NAFTA & GATT also basically gave foreigners and corporations the right to dissolve the middle class and eat it up, the rise of robber barons again in the land (new poor, and disappearance of the middle class), foreign financial and cultural invasion into the US, the putting us in foreign wars, Iran Nuclear controversy (few look this up, past US & European leaders caused this and were secretly letting Iran buy nuclear technology through political bribery), unfair foreign business practices (that individual non-corporations can't fight against in trying to be self sufficient, the disappearance of self sufficiency, the socialism movement in the schools & linked to teacher hiring in the US in the last 20 years, and the list goes on.
The last president we had basically did so many crazy things that it put the US on a collision course with all these other issues. It was like the gun was fired and the bullet left the gun, but in slow motion in such a way as to it not causing impacts until the current president got into office. Now those issues are coming to a head after being in play, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop them from creating some chaos. So they blame Trump (and I hope he doesn't turn into a villain, but he could use his agency poorly before the end too). People fail to study this out or realize it. Then they brand the current president as a bad guy and crazy.
Study the issues out and where they came from. The current president may be a bit loud but look at where the issues are coming from. Look at why he's upset. When you actually look at it, of course people are going to be upset and want it fixed. A lot of these issues are coming out very similar to why Hong Kong is erupting. These people were growing up in a society that had a future for them, and then a bunch of rich elites came along and pulled the rug out from under them and now everyone is riled up.
You can't expect that people wouldn't be mad when they would find out that tarrif imbalances, foreigners, foreign currency & leaders bribing their elected officials & corporations to steal their livelihoods and impoverish them wouldn't get them riled up. And its not entirely their fault, but they should have woken up about it sooner.
The tariff imbalances by not just China, but EUROPE against the US did create a wealth drain. Many of these were heavy imbalances. If we exported a certain product to China AND Europe in many cases because of political bribes the very same product was getting a 10% or even 20% higher tax to export to Europe than to export to the states.
So to clarify, we're all getting along and none of us are upset with each other. All of us are brothers and sisters and should care about each other. And no one here is angry at anyone. But you have a recipe for societal collapse in play right now. But just blaming the current US president doesn't do any good. These issues were already in play for years. And people weren't happy that they were being cheated and lied to.
What's also interesting about this gun rights thing...the same week the Dayton Ohion shooting and El Paso shootings happened there was a third killing spree within just a couple days of each of those in California. But they left that one out of the news because it was a 2 hour Knife killer rampage. He killed 4 people and seriously wounded 2 others. But people wanting to strip away gun rights didn't want this one in the news.