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Thanks so much for your reply! Yes, I was most interested in what to supplement bees' foraging with when getting a new colony established since honey stores will be empty (first hive!), and then of course it's also important to think ahead to potential food shortages for them as well. I'm fortunate enough to have about 100 jars of quality honey I helped to harvest myself from healthy bees last summer, so although it's not still capped in a frame I do believe it's a safe source of nutrition.

I was just reading that raw sugars contain elements that are undigestible to bees, so it's best to stick with white pure cane sugar (organic, if possible) in an ideal world. I'm not sure if anyone here can corroborate that or offer more insight into types of sugars when needed, but this is already very helpful.

I?m a little confused. You said in your first post, your first hive, yet you say you have about a hundred jars of honey you obtained from healthy bees last season?

This time of year is flow season in my area. I realize you are in Germany and the situation there may be different than here, perhaps your flow has ended?

Did you obtain this colony by swarm? If so they should have brought along enough honey to keep them going unless you have had some sort of bad weather conditions? Or this is a late swarm for your location?  I ask this as you said honey stores will be empty.

Now; if you obtain this colony via package, this may be another situation altogether. In that case I wound feed sugar water until you get them on their feet, (white; pure cane sugar) while you might keep, sell, or give the honey to friends. Honey is much more valuable than sugar. Plus humans will receive the bounty from the previous years share of the (excess) harvest.


I tried to tell her, but sometimes you have to work through it to understand.
CRAFTING CORNER / Re: Creamed honey advice
« Last post by Bill Murray on Today at 10:27:28 am »
So Nigel My assumptions The machine mixes the seed into the honey. and then the creaming takes place in the jar or tub, without the froth because it will still be in the machine. correct?
« Last post by Terri Yaki on Today at 10:15:43 am »
And so far today, activity is light again. There was a post on NextDoor here recently that someone scored a swarm with a marked queen in it.
Because we are so wet here, I would dump 5 lbs of dry sugar on the deep side of the inner cover for winter.  It served two purposes.  1. It was emergency food and 2. it absorbed moisture.  It started out dry and ended up more like a candy board.
HONEYBEE REMOVAL / Re: Expensive Issue
« Last post by Bill Murray on Today at 10:03:59 am »
There are also the "special" customers

And these are growing every year.
« Last post by Bill Murray on Today at 09:59:41 am »
When I see a monster swarm with a great queen in a tree I failed.

Thank you beesnweeds if everyone understood this statement they would; have stronger hives, make more honey, and have in general helthier hives of bees.
CRAFTING CORNER / Re: Creamed honey advice
« Last post by Bill Murray on Today at 09:52:38 am »
I posted this somewhere else but this looks like the place for it.

I get a froth on the top when I use a mechanical means to mix. personally I love it, but it looks bad in the finished product. No matter how much I scrape there is always more. Is there a way to remove this?

So I just watched the lyson vid. I am assuming the machine itself rectifies this air issue. Correct?
So one of Marleys hive went queenless and Drone layer this year, after 5 weeks of installing Eggs/BAS, and queen cells they finally decided they were ready to accept a queen,good thing for them because she was ready to dump them and start over. This was her takeaway on the whole situation. If I would have dumped them day 1 and made up a new hive I would be further ahead with a lot less time. Out of the mouth of babes. 
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