All votes not cast on election day are unconstitutional
Terri Yaki:
You're way more knowledgeable on the topic than I am but I do find it interesting. Oddly enough, when it was in my curriculum, I hadn't much interest. :cheesy:
I have heard that in some states, the electors are bound by the vote of The People and some they are not and I do not know what it is for my own state, let alone others. In PA, our voting process is delineated in our Constitution and can only be changed through the process to change our Constitution. During the scamdemic, our legislature change our voting process to include no excuse mail-in voting, which had previously required a legitimate excuse to obtain. Act 77 is what that change is called in the event anyone wants to delve into it. I have heard argument on both sides of it being done legally/illegally but once again, it's above my paygrade.
Michael Bush:
The state legislature can choose who they want. I question the constitutionality of prosecuting the electors if they don?t vote a certain way. There would be no point in having the electoral college vote if they are bound by law to vote a certain way.
Early voting started today in NY. Went with my family and couldn't believe the lines, wrapped around a basketball court twice and out the door! We couldn't vote with over an hour wait to even get near a machine. I live in a red district and there were only 4 voting machines. I am hoping that blue districts don't have more machines set up, but I won't be surprised.
Michael Bush:
If you read Article II it's obvious that our forefathers never imagined anything that resembles our presidential elections. I don't think they even thought that the populace would vote for President. Only congressmen were to be elected by the people. Senators were to be elected by the State Legislature and Electors by whatever means the legislature chose. I imagine they thought the legislature would choose them. There is certainly no indication of a popular election for President.
--- Quote ---If you read Article II it's obvious that our forefathers never imagined anything that resembles our presidential elections.
--- End quote ---
no one in the world would imagine the kind of elections we have.
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