Extended Release Oxalic Acid Strips

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Here is a video putout by Beequip on making small quantities of OA/ glycerine strips using their kit.

Ben Framed:
It is my understanding extended release Oxalic Acid strips are not the silver bullet. Maybe that has changed with further research and experimentation, including better method of application? 🤷🏻‍♂️,
otherwise I?m with Nigel.

Couldn?t agree more. It is just another tool in the integrated pest management arsenal. From what I?ve been able to find from my limited research is that there is no silver bullet when it comes to varroa.  OA strips could be a good follow up after something like a Formic Pro treatment. These strips won?t kill all varroa but they appear to slow the growth rate of the pest. Some beekeepers in heavily infested areas are using this type of approach and appear to be managing the reinfestation rates much better than those who treat and then leave the bees alone. Mite bombs are a real issue for beekeepers who have varroa and it looks as though there may be a requirement for back to back treatments for the next few years. We will have a good flowering of ironbark over the summer period. This will attract quite a few hives to the area and I would expect the bug will turn up then (if not before).

Bill Murray:
Im going to try it next year in a yard. Here is the claim.

--- Quote ---Sustained release and high efficacy (average: 96.8%), means that VarroxSan can be used as a primary knockdown treatment, throughout the season. VarroxSan is approved for use during a honey flow, when supers are present.
--- End quote ---


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