Other ways of inserting cutout comb into a frame,

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Michael Bush:
When I do a cutout I never try to save honey.  I never try to save drone brood.  I only try to save about half of the worker brood.  And if the bees can't cover all the brood, I get rid of some more brood.  Also try to keep the brood dry.  If you get honey on it, the brood can't breath and dies.  If that happens the small hive beetles quickly take over.  Make sure you have some open brood and eggs in case they need to replace the queen.

Ben Framed:
> When I do a cutout I never try to save honey.

Nor do I for obvious reasons. (Unless it is pretty capped honey in that case I will save it for me lol)  :shocked: :grin:

> I never try to save drone brood.

Same here.

> Also try to keep the brood dry.  If you get honey on it, the brood can't breath and dies.


> Make sure you have some open brood and eggs in case they need to replace the queen.

For sure.

Where do you find perfect comb like that in a cut out?

Ben Framed:
Wherever the bees might place it.  :wink:


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