Small Hive Beetle Grease
Small Hive Beetle Grease
Here is a formula for making Small hive Beetle Grease. I have not used it yet but I will be trying it out soon. I was told to mix the Ingredients I?m working on something which in a bowl and then make 1/2? round strips and place one them on top of a frame. I?m not sure of the size/amount so if someone from Beefest 2018 remembers, please correct me. I guess the best thing to do is to divide the resulting mixture up into 22 sections and put one in each hive.
I was told by 3 beekeepers from the Clay County Club that in three weeks you will not see any beetles in your hive.
It sounds like it is worth trying.
Full Batch (90 hives) 1/2 Batch (45 Hives) 1/4 Batch (22 hives)
4 lbs sugar 2 lbs sugar 1 lbs sugar
1.5 lbs Crisco 12 oz Crisco 6 oz Crisco
1 lb honey 8 oz honey 4 oz honey
2 1/2 oz Wintergreen 1 1/4 oz Wintergreen. .625 oz Wintergreen Oil
I went to buy wintergreen essential oil and found they only sell it, at that store, in .17 oz. I converted the recipe to use just one bottle and it should work will for most hobbyists since it is good for 6 hives or less
1/16th batch
4 oz of sugar
1.6 oz of a Crisco
1 oz of honey
.17 oz of Wintergreen
Mix them all together, do not melt the Crisco until it is all one consistent color.
Use your hive tool to wipe a dab on the ends of the frames, where the SHBs hide.
In 2-3 weeks hive should be beetle free.
Thanks for posting this under it's own topic(easier to find). It sounds promising. I am thinking about giving it a try. Do you know how of why it works? Does it kill or just repel the SHB? Any other info on it would be appreciated.
I?m not sure how it works.
After I made up a batch, I went out and looked at the top frames of all of my hives. Wouldn?t you know it, I didn?t find a single SHB. I did add some to a few of the hives. I did find and vacuumed up a bunch of carpenter ants. We will see if it keeps them out also.
Ben Framed:
--- Quote from: sawdstmakr on April 15, 2018, 07:23:11 pm ---I?m not sure how it works.
After I made up a batch, I went out and looked at the top frames of all of my hives. Wouldn?t you know it, I didn?t find a single SHB. I did add some to a few of the hives. I did find and vacuumed up a bunch of carpenter ants. We will see if it keeps them out also.
--- End quote ---
Jim you had posted this before in the general beekeeping section less the updates. I am even more enthused by this than ever!! Please keep us udated from time to time on the progress made, along with how long it seems to last without a (re-fresher dose). Thanks , Phillip
I plan on doing that. It would be great to have a safe tool to get rid of the darn SHB.
If there is enough interest in this thread, I will make it a stickie.
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