Inspection Video after a split
I couldn't get the first video to open
--- Quote ---You asked about keeping the smoker lit. The perennial 'keeper' question. I don't have a good answer for that, except two things. After playing around with various 'smoker fuel' for a couple of years, one that I've found to be reliable and long-lasting is a tightly rolled piece of cardboard. I cut about a 4- 5" wide by maybe 10-12" long (depends on the weight, ie. thickness of the cardboard). I roll it as tightly as I can and make sure it fits inside the smoker with a little room on the sides. I tie it with bailing twine. Use regular household string or even yarn or thread if you don't have it. If I get a spare box from something in the mail, I'll go ahead and cut it down and if I have the time, just roll a bunch of them up for future use. I probably have 8 or 10 sitting with my 'bee-stuff' just waiting for use. Now, once that gets going good, it lasts quite a long time and it gives good cool smoke. The trick is to get it really going well before you open the hives. Could take 10 mins. or so - don't rush it. The first thing I do is lite my smoker - even before I get my suit on.
--- End quote ---
I do the same thing except I don’t bother tying the rolled cardboard. Once lit it doesn’t go out. It is like a cigarette. I do wonder about the resins that are in cardboard if they harm the bees in any way.
Brother Dave:
I will do that next time. I have been using whatever is falling off of my trees then stuffing some green foliage over that. It works but I stink after my work is done.
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