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Obviously, you have confidence in the sugar roll method but I have heard others express differing positions on it. I'd like to know more about the pros and cons on it. Or the whys and why nots, however you want to put it. What causes a brood break and how long do they last? And lastly, we are still having spring here so our weather is above and below bee flying weather. What do they all do in there when they have no-fly days?
FARMING & COUNTRY LIFE / Re: Laser projects
« Last post by The15thMember on Today at 07:12:42 pm »
A sign you're getting old, I guess ... finding things funny that seem normal to others ... I've been noticing many "new ones" over the years.

Just curious, but who else chuckled a little ...

When they saw "Laser Projects" under the category of "Farming and Country Life"?
Ha!  That is kind of funny.  :cheesy:  It didn't strike me until you mentioned it though.
I inspected most of my small colonies today.  Most needed another box, and I did a sugar roll in the largest colony and only 1/300 so that's good.  I was worried because the bees in there are kind of over-groomed looking, but I think it's just that they are old because this hive is coming off a brood break.  I also got some pictures of Queen Tiana.  I've never had a queen this dark.  I have several tiger-striped queens, but she is all black.  (Sorry the picture quality isn't better, I had my phone in a plastic baggie to protect it from propolis.)       
THE 2ND AMENDMENT / Re: Welcome to the 2nd Amendment Room
« Last post by animal on Today at 04:52:01 pm »
I actually got a chuckle out of a bad ruling in NY the other day. It was so bad as to be comical. If I have time, I'll post something on it later.

It was another example of libtard judges stretching an argument to the point of ridiculousness. I'm convinced some of those are delay tactics to keep an unconstitutional law on the books for as long as possible, because it's sure to be overturned at some point, but am open to the possibility that leftists are really that stupid.
THE 2ND AMENDMENT / Re: Welcome to the 2nd Amendment Room
« Last post by Terri Yaki on Today at 04:32:30 pm »
They don't really want to take our guns, they just want the world to be a safer place.  :rolleyes:  But people aren't killing other people with guns that they bought second hand through private sales. And the last I heard, a binary trigger hasn't been a problem either but here we are.
THE 2ND AMENDMENT / Re: Welcome to the 2nd Amendment Room
« Last post by Kathyp on Today at 03:35:59 pm »
Good.  Bad enough that states like mine are doing it. 
I am so sorry, Matt.
Sorry that happened to you it is one of my big fears with my hive all under trees
THE 2ND AMENDMENT / Re: Welcome to the 2nd Amendment Room
« Last post by Terri Yaki on Today at 01:27:51 pm »
Thanks for that info. It's a sad state of affairs all of the suing that's going on any more.
THE 2ND AMENDMENT / Re: Welcome to the 2nd Amendment Room
« Last post by FatherMichael on Today at 01:14:34 pm »
26 states have filed suit against Biden's rule against the private sale of guns.
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