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Author Topic: What's flowering: Queensland  (Read 201391 times)

Offline Bamboo

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #60 on: March 10, 2018, 06:09:27 pm »

I can remember many years ago we measured minus 16 C. I doubt we will see this again.
Are you sure you have the number right? minus 16C??? You would need serious snow on the ground for a substantial period of time plus a windchill factor to get to minus 16C a frost never gets that cold.
The official coldest temp for QLD was minus 10C back in 1961.

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #61 on: March 11, 2018, 03:37:07 am »
I better check this with the fellow who took the reading of a min/max thermometer:)

Personally, I have measured min 6 C here at CW. It was quite common to have to break the ice on the water throughs.

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #62 on: March 16, 2018, 01:44:49 am »
Perfect day here today - 29C-  a lovely Autumn day and the bees are flying like crazy. Was this a whiff of honey I could smell? Imagination? Wishfull thinking?

The Rain Trees are out. Some consider it a bad weed, the bees love it. The same with the Cobblers Pegs. Thanks goodness for weeds during these testing times.

More rain on the radar for next week

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #63 on: March 28, 2018, 02:03:03 am »
Had a Bee keeping friend calling in - the Ironbark is budding about 50 km N from us here.

Warm here again and the rain/showers have gone for a while. Bees are busy .

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #64 on: April 01, 2018, 01:23:42 am »
A sunny day for a change - the Flooded Gum's are out. The bees are busy. More rain  - so we are told.

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #65 on: April 14, 2018, 07:14:36 pm »
We had a bee workshop here yesterday - the last one for the season.

As part of the workshop we have a look and see in a few hives. Participants like to see a few queens.
There is little honey coming in - nothing capped but lots of brood.

Very few SHB  ( had to open extra hives to find some to show)

Weeds like Bluetop and Cobblers pegs are flowering and various Sub-Tropical legumes. And rge Senna but bees do not work it here.

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #66 on: May 06, 2018, 06:37:24 pm »
We had a couple of good weeks with no rain and warm enough for the bees to fly - and they where busy.

The Sub-Tropical Legumes are out and the bees are working them. The Silver Leave Desmodium is going mad here along the roads and hills.

Offline Bamboo

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #67 on: May 06, 2018, 06:52:28 pm »
Yes it has been great weather (for a change) my girls are flat out as well.

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #68 on: June 09, 2018, 12:46:44 am »
It is not even the middle of May and I have just seen the first blossum on the Blue Gum. This is early. It generally flowers here in July.

Lots of budds and it will be interesting to see how well and how long it flowers. All promising so far.

We had some rain again this week and having enough soil moisture generally points to clover flowering well later in winter.
I will keep you posted.

Offline beepro

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #69 on: June 10, 2018, 03:44:48 am »
It is not even the middle of May and I have just seen the first blossum on the Blue Gum. This is early. It generally flowers here in July.

Don't you mean not even in the middle of June?   The last time I check we're in early June already.

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #70 on: June 10, 2018, 04:37:35 am »
Yes, " middle of June"

Offline eltalia

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #71 on: June 10, 2018, 10:32:50 am »
Yes, " middle of June"

Well, for accuracy???
We are in Approach mode for the winter solstice, 21 June.
Carnt wait here, too b'dy cold, frosty even at night. ;-(


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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #72 on: June 16, 2018, 02:41:52 am »
Well, the Blue Gum is in full bloom around there and the bees are busy.

On the way in to the Witta market early this morning there was frost in places and they say that it will be colder come Monday. I'm rather surprised as the soil is very moist and the days have been warm to see frost.

Offline Bamboo

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #73 on: June 18, 2018, 05:52:40 am »
Mate tomorrow is meant to be even colder they are saying 5 here so you will be much colder up your way. Hope you have the fire on tonight.

Offline eltalia

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #74 on: June 18, 2018, 06:38:43 am »
Mate tomorrow is meant to be even colder they are saying 5 here so you will be much
colder up your way. Hope you have the fire on tonight.
Plunging here too....forecast is just north of five.
Buuut only three days to the solstice so it will go up in no time in
the days after that. :-)))


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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #75 on: June 22, 2018, 06:23:04 pm »
I was slashing grass on the river flat - old, tall stuff the cows did not eat - lots of bees on the Cobblers Pegs and the Blue Top. In the past we would have had a week of frost by now - at least. This would kill the Cobblers Pegs. Looks like a very short winter. It was around 25C here yesterday and they say we may get a little rain during the week. That would be a bonus.

Offline Bamboo

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #76 on: June 22, 2018, 06:43:55 pm »
Yes same here lots of bee activity. Have a wild native bee hive in a shed post (it's an old shed and only standing cos the termites are holding hands) and filmed them bringing in lots of nectar and pollen yesterday. The pollen looked huge compared to the size of the bee. I would post it here but I have no idea how to add video or pics as the "insert image" icon doesn't seem to work for me.

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #77 on: July 03, 2018, 04:44:18 am »
We took a road trip to Yamba last week - travelling via Kilcoy - Gatton - Warwick - Stanthorpe and then to the coast and back via Glen Innes - Inverell - Towoomba - Esk and home. It is very dry out there. Most of the area had no decent rain since last winter. These are pime honey areas in a good season.  The Coastal area to close to Kilcoy is quite green as we had no real frost so far and some welcome rain.

The Blue Gum are in full flower and the weeds are holding their own. There is definitely honey coming in and the bees are busy on warm days.

A cold front coming our way by Monday.
Clover is growing.

Offline Bamboo

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #78 on: July 03, 2018, 09:36:59 am »
I was down Victoria a month ago Ballarat, Bendigo, Swan Hill, and it was drought down there, not a blade of green grass to be seen. Gone beyond brown has turned that white colour. The contrast to here with all the rain we have had was quite sobering. Looking to be a good season up here with the occasional rain that we are getting.

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Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Reply #79 on: July 16, 2018, 08:13:08 am »
I checked about 10 of my hives today. It was a nice, warm and calm day. About mid 20's C. Not bad for a winters day.
3 hives are stuck down - the bees have built comb right into the lid. I left them for another day.
Some of the others have pretty well filled all frames.
There is plenty of brood at all stages. I even saw a few drones and 3 drone cells. Well, 3 cells don't make a Spring but this is the middle of July?!
The Blue Gum is powering on. It has a pretty long flowering period  and will kick on. A few Ironbarks' are out too.
By August we should have Clover if the soil moisture holds.
Looking good!
I have never taken honey on July but may have to if the warm weather keeps up - it won't...