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Online Ben Framed

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Any wild hogs in your area?
« on: April 29, 2021, 04:49:29 am »
Any wild hogs in your area?
« Last Edit: April 29, 2021, 05:29:50 am by Ben Framed »

Offline CoolBees

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2021, 01:44:00 pm »
Lots of wild hogs, in some areas, out here on the left coast. None right where I live. 3 miles away maybe.

Wild boar is excellent eating. I made meatballs yesterday. 2/3 elk & 1/3 wild boar. Italian seasoning: sage, fennel, white pepper, oinion, garlic, black pepper, and a touch of cayenne pepper, (I mix my own). Mmmm-mmm good!

Also: place a rack of 3 boar ribs & and a large chunk of elk into the slow cooker in the morning. Add spices. Come home in the evening and add veggies. Dinner is ready at 7 pm. Don't forget a good glass of wine. Mmmmmmm!

I'm getting hungry!  :cool:
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Online Ben Framed

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2021, 02:27:39 pm »

Lots of wild hogs, in some areas, out here on the left coast. None right where I live. 3 miles away maybe.

Wild boar is excellent eating. I made meatballs yesterday. 2/3 elk & 1/3 wild boar. Italian seasoning: sage, fennel, white pepper, oinion, garlic, black pepper, and a touch of cayenne pepper, (I mix my own). Mmmm-mmm good!

Also: place a rack of 3 boar ribs & and a large chunk of elk into the slow cooker in the morning. Add spices. Come home in the evening and add veggies. Dinner is ready at 7 pm. Don't forget a good glass of wine. Mmmmmmm!

I'm getting hungry!  :cool:

Your post is what I call and excellent complement to this sections heading! "FARMING & COUNTRY LIFE"
That sounds delicious Alan! Thanks for sharing the thoughts and ingredients. I do not have access to elk but perhaps something else could be substituted? 

Online The15thMember

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2021, 03:05:53 pm »
We have feral hogs here.  They don't tend to hang around where people are, so I have never seen one, but they are a serious problem in the national park.  They root up and destroy the ground really bad, and I've heard they can be quite dangerous if startled. 
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Offline CoolBees

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2021, 03:45:26 pm »
Ben - any other red meat can be substituted: deer, goat (including Speed Goats [antelope]), mutton, house cat, etc ... even the lowly cow (yuck!!) ... I forgot rabbits, definitely rabbits.  :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

15th - wild boar are extremely dangerous. They will read the person & are very intelligent. If they think they can get away with it, they'll take a person down very quickly. And you don't get up. ... there was a country bar, right near my favorite boar hunting area, that we used to go to back in my military days. The walls of the bar were papered with photographs of humans who had been attacked by pigs in the local area. 1000's of pictures, dating back to the '60's. Most pics were leg wounds. Some just showed human remains ... today the bar is gone. It's a polite country store now. Wish the bar was still there. It was a sobering reminder of what we'd be facing the next day.
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Online Ben Framed

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2021, 05:26:15 pm »
Ben - any other red meat can be substituted: deer, goat (including Speed Goats [antelope]), mutton, house cat, etc ... even the lowly cow (yuck!!) ... I forgot rabbits, definitely rabbits.  :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

15th - wild boar are extremely dangerous. They will read the person & are very intelligent. If they think they can get away with it, they'll take a person down very quickly. And you don't get up. ... there was a country bar, right near my favorite boar hunting area, that we used to go to back in my military days. The walls of the bar were papered with photographs of humans who had been attacked by pigs in the local area. 1000's of pictures, dating back to the '60's. Most pics were leg wounds. Some just showed human remains ... today the bar is gone. It's a polite country store now. Wish the bar was still there. It was a sobering reminder of what we'd be facing the next day.

There is a fellow that I know that played football at Mississippi State. He hog hunts in the Mississippi Delta behind the River levee. He was telling me of one of his buddies that was attacked on a hunt and was cut severely in the leg. They took him immediately to a small local hospital where he was treated and seemed fine, but later died from the wound. Infection I suppose.

Online The15thMember

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2021, 11:38:13 pm »
Ben - any other red meat can be substituted: deer, goat (including Speed Goats [antelope]), mutton, house cat, etc ... even the lowly cow (yuck!!) ... I forgot rabbits, definitely rabbits.  :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

15th - wild boar are extremely dangerous. They will read the person & are very intelligent. If they think they can get away with it, they'll take a person down very quickly. And you don't get up. ... there was a country bar, right near my favorite boar hunting area, that we used to go to back in my military days. The walls of the bar were papered with photographs of humans who had been attacked by pigs in the local area. 1000's of pictures, dating back to the '60's. Most pics were leg wounds. Some just showed human remains ... today the bar is gone. It's a polite country store now. Wish the bar was still there. It was a sobering reminder of what we'd be facing the next day.
:angry: You are giving my baby bunnies nightmares, Alan! :cheesy: :cheesy:
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Online Ben Framed

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2021, 01:04:13 am »
Cool, Everything sounds good except the house cat!  :cheesy: :wink: :tongue:

Rabbit; Yum!

Online BeeMaster2

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2021, 08:09:18 am »
I had a large boar on my property back in 2005, never saw another one until I added on another 50 acres. Had a medium size one and a baby destroying my pastures this year. Tried hunting them but never found them. I talked to a neighbor that is raising them. He denied it but I?m pretty sure his pigs got out and them he was able to capture them again. We have not had any damage since I talked to him.
Jim Altmiller
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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2021, 12:33:11 pm »
Lots of hogs on my place, Wed. night they rooted within 3 feet of some hives.  Never had any trouble with them around bees but they make planting crops impossible until I level the ground.  Three weeks ago there was a wild hog tournament  and some friends caught 36  hogs over 60 pounds in one night on my place and the next ranch in one night. They came in second.

Online Ben Framed

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2021, 12:57:22 pm »
I had a large boar on my property back in 2005, never saw another one until I added on another 50 acres. Had a medium size one and a baby destroying my pastures this year. Tried hunting them but never found them. I talked to a neighbor that is raising them. He denied it but I?m pretty sure his pigs got out and them he was able to capture them again. We have not had any damage since I talked to him.
Jim Altmiller

Good he got them back up before they went feral. And remember Jim, legend has it the feud between the Hatfields and McCoys started over hogs!  :shocked:  :grin:

Lots of hogs on my place, Wed. night they rooted within 3 feet of some hives.  Never had any trouble with them around bees but they make planting crops impossible until I level the ground.  Three weeks ago there was a wild hog tournament  and some friends caught 36  hogs over 60 pounds in one night on my place and the next ranch in one night. They came in second.

That was a good nights catch! You have plenty for sure! I suppose free ranging hogs worked good as long as folks were eating them as fast as they were multiplying back in the old days, but now, mum..... You are overloaded!

Offline CoolBees

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2021, 02:20:10 pm »
:angry: You are giving my baby bunnies nightmares, Alan! :cheesy: :cheesy:

Sorry 15th - as the scorpion said to the frog, "it's in my nature" -  :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:
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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2021, 08:18:38 am »
I am told wild hogs are very gamey like all wild life but more so.  They definitely have them here is south FL.  Not sure the gaters even like them.
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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2021, 09:53:20 am »
For the most part, Gator?s only eat what they can swallow. A large pig is too big to swallow. They eat the young ones.
Crocodiles on the other hand eat large animals and can tear them apart to eat them.
Jim Altmiller
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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2021, 11:03:12 am »
For the most part, Gator?s only eat what they can swallow. A large pig is too big to swallow. They eat the young ones.
Crocodiles on the other hand eat large animals and can tear them apart to eat them.
Jim Altmiller
That's very interesting, I didn't know that.  That explains the difference between alligator's and crocodile's teeth.  It also explains why crocodiles are said to be more dangerous than alligators.   
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Offline CoolBees

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2021, 12:33:14 pm »
I am told wild hogs are very gamey like all wild life but more so. ...

That hasn't been my experience with hogs, or any other animals.

Wild Game should never EVER have a "gamey" flavor. That "flavor" comes from the out-gassing of bacteria. The bacteria begins to attack the meat as soon as the animal dies. The bacteria must be killed as soon as possible to prevent this. Killing the bacteria is done by cooling the meat - preferably at or near freezing - as fast as possible. This is where most hunters ruin their meat. They are too busy taking pictures, wasting precious minutes. Meanwhile, the meat is going down the "gamey" road.

"Gamey" flavored meat - is a failure of the Hunter. Nothing else.

Our house eats nothing but wild game. I won't eat "gamey" flavored meat. ... it's my worst nightmare, when someone invites me over for dinner, knows I'm a hunter, and says, "we cooked deer meat for you, from the deer that Charlie got last year" ... I won't eat it because it tastes like s***. 

Most people at my house never know they're eating Wild Game meat (deer, elk, hog, bear, etc). The conversation usually goes like this, "This meat is Amazing! Where did you buy it?" ...

I de-bone an animal the moment it hits the ground. The meat then goes directly into the chest freezer that's sitting in my truck/camp. The freezer is run by a small generator. I do the "processing" of the meat at home, some days/weeks later - at my leisure.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2021, 12:55:39 pm by CoolBees »
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Online Ben Framed

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2021, 01:21:46 pm »
Good post Cool.

> I de-bone an animal the moment it hits the ground. The meat then goes directly into the chest freezer that's sitting in my truck/camp. The freezer is run by a small generator. I do the "processing" of the meat at home, some days/weeks later - at my leisure.

Is this chest freeze kept at just above freezing or is the meat frozen, then later thawed for processing?
« Last Edit: May 10, 2021, 01:34:27 pm by Ben Framed »

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #17 on: May 10, 2021, 01:47:50 pm »
Is this chest freeze kept at just above freezing or is the meat frozen, then later thawed for processing?

Good question Ben. I keep the freezer at the coldest possible setting at all times. The meat is kept in deep-freeze. I thaw it by unplugging the freezer for 10 days (assuming a full freezer) - but leaving it closed. This slowly brings the meat up to just about freezing, where it's easily worked, but still very cold. ... took a few yrs of learning to arrive at this solution.
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Online Ben Framed

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #18 on: May 10, 2021, 02:04:27 pm »
Is this chest freeze kept at just above freezing or is the meat frozen, then later thawed for processing?

Good question Ben. I keep the freezer at the coldest possible setting at all times. The meat is kept in deep-freeze. I thaw it by unplugging the freezer for 10 days (assuming a full freezer) - but leaving it closed. This slowly brings the meat up to just about freezing, where it's easily worked, but still very cold. ... took a few yrs of learning to arrive at this solution.

That is the neatest trick I have heard yet! We would immediately debone our deer, place in a large cooler in the back of the pickup with a good layer of ice on bottom, place the meat, cover with ice and ride it around for a week adding ice as needed keeping it literally ice cold. As the ice slowly melts, leaving a mixture of ice and water, along with the shaking around of the truck rides. Just add ice as needed. Do not run completely out of ice, leaving the de-blooded meat with great results of no gamey taste, clean and (bloodless as possible) I suppose . Your way sounds more convenient.  Thanks

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2021, 03:02:16 pm »
Is this chest freeze kept at just above freezing or is the meat frozen, then later thawed for processing?

Good question Ben. I keep the freezer at the coldest possible setting at all times. The meat is kept in deep-freeze. I thaw it by unplugging the freezer for 10 days (assuming a full freezer) - but leaving it closed. This slowly brings the meat up to just about freezing, where it's easily worked, but still very cold. ... took a few yrs of learning to arrive at this solution.

That is the neatest trick I have heard yet! We would immediately debone our deer, place in a large cooler in the back of the pickup with a good layer of ice on bottom, place the meat, cover with ice and ride it around for a week adding ice as needed keeping it literally ice cold. As the ice slowly melts, leaving a mixture of ice and water, along with the shaking around of the truck rides. Just add ice as needed. Do not run completely out of ice, leaving the de-blooded meat with great results of no gamey taste, clean and (bloodless as possible) I suppose . Your way sounds more convenient.  Thanks

Sounds like we ended up at the same place using very similar paths. I used to use coolers also, but if your camp gets 4 Elk and 8 deer, it takes a lot of coolers & ice. ... one day I was at a friend's place, and saw a stack of large coolers that belonged to his mom. I asked her if I could borrow some coolers, and explained why. She was a common-sense kind of lady. She says, "ain't you got a chest freezer?" - Yes - "and ain't you got a generator?" - again, Yes ... well "duh on me". ... so I switched to the freezer.  :grin: She was a great lady - 70 yrs old, and she hunted constantly.
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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2021, 11:09:43 pm »
Thanks for sharing you method Mr Cool ":cool:" bees! 👍🏻

Offline Acebird

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2021, 08:35:25 am »

I de-bone an animal the moment it hits the ground.
Very interesting.  In my home town it was a common practice to hang a deer for weeks.  This process was done to tenderize the meat.  I believe it is done in commercial meat packing houses.
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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #22 on: May 11, 2021, 02:56:54 pm »

I de-bone an animal the moment it hits the ground.
Very interesting.  In my home town it was a common practice to hang a deer for weeks.  This process was done to tenderize the meat.  I believe it is done in commercial meat packing houses.

The term for hanging meat is "Aging".

I've worked cattle, and toured several large slaughter/processing houses. In today's Internet competitive pack-and-ship world, Aging is not the norm because it's too expensive - but it is done some.

Aging is perfectly fine, if it's done properly. However, it seems to reduce the delicate flavors of the meat, imo. I've done it both ways - however, stealing a line from the movie Lord of War, "Thank you, but I prefer it my way".   :grin:

Regarding the Slaughter Houses: watching a cow have its hide ripped off by a machine while semi-conscious tears my heart. When one [occasionally] wakes up and screams .... well ... ... I find it amusing when someone says, "how can you hurt a poor animal when you hunt" ... clearly they've never been to a slaughter house. I ask them one question, "are you a vegetarian?" ...
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Online The15thMember

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #23 on: May 11, 2021, 07:00:12 pm »
Regarding the Slaughter Houses: watching a cow have its hide ripped off by a machine while semi-conscious tears my heart. When one [occasionally] wakes up and screams .... well ... ... I find it amusing when someone says, "how can you hurt a poor animal when you hunt" ... clearly they've never been to a slaughter house. I ask them one question, "are you a vegetarian?" ...
That is horrible and makes me feel great about eating my own animals. 

I've done it both ways - however, stealing a line from the movie Lord of War, "Thank you, but I prefer it my way".   :grin:
That movie was so meh. 

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #24 on: May 11, 2021, 09:33:15 pm »
When I have a steer butchered we have it aged between 17 to 21 days. The enzymes in the meat break down the fiber in the meat. We call it enzymes but it is really mold on the outside of the meat that makes it tender. The meat has to have a certain amount of fat to allow the mold to do its job without damaging the meat. You also have to watch the amount of mold. You don?t want it to get too thick.  The more fat on it the longer it can age.
Jim Altmiller
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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #25 on: May 12, 2021, 03:51:08 am »
That is horrible and makes me feel great about eating my own animals. 

Agreed. I don't enjoy taking a life much - but it's so worth it to know it's quality. Whether you raise them, or hunt them, it's much better for your body than the processed stuff at the store, with "red color added"...

That movie was so meh.

Yeah - it was. But I like the way he said that line. Wish I could duplicate his accent.  :grin:
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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2021, 09:04:02 am »
I ask them one question, "are you a vegetarian?" ...
No but clearly the less meat you eat the healthier you are.
(edited for my friend Phil)
« Last Edit: May 15, 2021, 10:51:13 am by Acebird »
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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #27 on: May 12, 2021, 10:33:54 am »
That is horrible and makes me feel great about eating my own animals. 

Agreed. I don't enjoy taking a life much - but it's so worth it to know it's quality. Whether you raise them, or hunt them, it's much better for your body than the processed stuff at the store, with "red color added"...
Ich, so true.  My family is not yet at the point where we can raise/hunt for all our meat, but it's something we are working towards. 

That movie was so meh.

Yeah - it was. But I like the way he said that line. Wish I could duplicate his accent.  :grin:
Seriously, what is with Nicholas Cage's voice?  It is so weird, kind of like he's talking through his teeth.  I am a connoisseur of accents, and his is extremely difficult to copy. 

I ask them one question, "are you a vegetarian?" ...
No but clearly the less meat you eat the healthier you are.  My area is predominately republican so the restaurants cater to meat eaters.  That is one of my "beefs" (ha, ha) around here.
I think that's true to a point.  I agree that people eat too much meat in their diet generally, but I think it's also difficult to be a healthy vegetarian and get all the nutrients your body needs without any meat.  I'm not saying there aren't people who can successfully eat vegetarian/vegan, because I know there are, but it can be a challenge.  Human are designed to be omnivores after all.     
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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #28 on: May 14, 2021, 11:00:39 am »
I'm not saying there aren't people who can successfully eat vegetarian/vegan, because I know there are, but it can be a challenge.
Yes, omnivores, but people that eat just vegetables are generally more healthy than people that eat just meat.
I agree with you that eating your own raised animal is healthier than market meats.  However eating wild animals poses a risk because you can't control what they eat and what they are exposed to.
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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #29 on: May 14, 2021, 12:06:40 pm »
I'm not saying there aren't people who can successfully eat vegetarian/vegan, because I know there are, but it can be a challenge.
Yes, omnivores, but people that eat just vegetables are generally more healthy than people that eat just meat.
I agree with you that eating your own raised animal is healthier than market meats.  However eating wild animals poses a risk because you can't control what they eat and what they are exposed to.
Does anyone in modern western society eat just meat?  I know there are indigenous cultures, like up far north that eat almost exclusively meat, but they eat the WHOLE animal, organs, eyes, brains, marrow, all of it, and I don't see how those people are any less healthy than cultures that eat mostly vegetables.         
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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #30 on: May 21, 2021, 11:43:22 am »

Does anyone in modern western society eat just meat?  I know there are indigenous cultures, like up far north that eat almost exclusively meat, but they eat the WHOLE animal, organs, eyes, brains, marrow, all of it, and I don't see how those people are any less healthy than cultures that eat mostly vegetables.         

I'd like to meet someone who only eats meat. I have questions....  :cool:

Pretty sure the data that shows veggie peeps are healthier than meatie peeps, is about as reliable as a politician. Same for the other way around too for that matter. We need a good litmus test...
I know! Someone should poll Olympic gold medal winners and see how many are veggies and how many are meaties lol
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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #31 on: May 21, 2021, 01:11:40 pm »
I'd like to meet someone who only eats meat. I have questions....  :cool:

Pretty sure the data that shows veggie peeps are healthier than meatie peeps, is about as reliable as a politician. Same for the other way around too for that matter. We need a good litmus test...
I know! Someone should poll Olympic gold medal winners and see how many are veggies and how many are meaties lol
Ha!  :cheesy:  That would be one of those worse than a darn lie statistics that Twain referenced.  :cheesy: :grin:   
« Last Edit: May 21, 2021, 06:51:33 pm by The15thMember »
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Offline Acebird

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #32 on: May 22, 2021, 09:25:40 am »

I'd like to meet someone who only eats meat. I have questions....  :cool:

I know someone that lives predominantly on hamburgers.  He is a runner and quite healthy.  This is not the norm though.
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Online Ben Framed

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #33 on: May 22, 2021, 09:28:58 am »

I'd like to meet someone who only eats meat. I have questions....  :cool:

I know someone that lives predominantly on hamburgers.  He is a runner and quite healthy.  This is not the norm though.

The only one I have heard of who ate mostly hamburgers was Wimpy! He was certainly not a runner! 😊

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #34 on: May 29, 2021, 02:06:18 pm »
Being in a valley in the rainforest, we have wild board on our property all the time--and they are good eats!  As CoolBees mentioned, they can be quite aggressive and are surprisingly intelligent.  A buddy and I hunt them regularly and bring home the bacon.  ;). They are quite destructive to property here, uprooting yards and damaging landscaping.

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #35 on: June 01, 2021, 12:12:17 pm »
Being in a valley in the rainforest, we have wild board on our property all the time--and they are good eats!  As CoolBees mentioned, they can be quite aggressive and are surprisingly intelligent.  A buddy and I hunt them regularly and bring home the bacon.  ;). They are quite destructive to property here, uprooting yards and damaging landscaping.
Awesome! I haven't met a hog yet that isn't a destructive selfish pig :)
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Online Ben Framed

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #36 on: July 14, 2024, 10:21:42 am »
Another wild hog on another wild hunt! Hang on to your hat! This bore is aggressive!


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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #37 on: July 14, 2024, 10:38:09 am »
That'll get your heart going. That makes a good case for carrying a long, sharp knife on your belt.

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #38 on: July 15, 2024, 06:33:31 am »
No wild hogs.  No bears.  We do have cougars...
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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #39 on: July 15, 2024, 06:39:43 am »
No feral hogs, no bears, no four legged cougars but we do have red fox and some kind of coyotes.

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #40 on: July 15, 2024, 06:47:46 am »
A friend of mine does that for fun. As a matter of fact that guy in the video looks like him. He catches them alive using the dogs. Years ago he caught a boar and a sow and turned them loose in Jacksonville along the river close to were he and I lived. They ended up having a lot of offspring and we would routinely see them on the road side.
I need to check out the video on my computer so that I can see if it really is him.

Jim Altmiller
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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #41 on: July 15, 2024, 08:17:31 am »
Coyotes and foxes are everywhere...
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Online Ben Framed

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #42 on: July 15, 2024, 12:34:49 pm »
That'll get your heart going. That makes a good case for carrying a long, sharp knife on your belt.

For sure!!! Goodness!!

A friend of mine does that for fun. As a matter of fact that guy in the video looks like him. He catches them alive using the dogs. Years ago he caught a boar and a sow and turned them loose in Jacksonville along the river close to were he and I lived. They ended up having a lot of offspring and we would routinely see them on the road side.
I need to check out the video on my computer so that I can see if it really is him.

Jim Altmiller

Let us know Jim. That is interesting!


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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #43 on: July 15, 2024, 01:26:53 pm »
lots of feral hogs, some hybrid Russian boar a little north of here that came from some idiot releasing them into the wild about 80 years ago.
no bears since I was a kid and then it was only one. Haven't seen a wolf in over thirty years. A fair number of bobcats and the occasional fox. And way too many deer.

At one point, we had tons of coyote and coyote-dog crossbreeds until a bunch of hunting clubs banded together and pretty much genocided them. Rabbits, turkey and quail came back after that. We tried it with the hogs, and continue, but they multiply fast and more are always getting out. And too few people have dog packs nowadays, and no good ones that I know of.

What I really miss seeing are the huge red fox squirrels. The gray tree rats have taken over.   
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Online Ben Framed

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #44 on: July 15, 2024, 01:57:17 pm »
Rabbits, turkey and quail came back after that.

I am glad to hear that! Especially about the quail! I long to hear the call of the Bob White in my area. Sadly it?s  been a few years.


Online Ben Framed

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #45 on: December 02, 2024, 06:41:14 pm »
Stoney Ridge Farmer


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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #46 on: December 02, 2024, 08:14:26 pm »
How did they ever come up with that process?

Online Ben Framed

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #47 on: December 02, 2024, 10:55:48 pm »
In the past folks used real smoke in smoke houses. I don?t know how these folks came up with liquid smoke. I bet iddee knows? 🤷🏻‍♂️

« Last Edit: December 03, 2024, 12:56:24 am by Ben Framed »

Offline Michael Bush

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Re: Any wild hogs in your area?
« Reply #48 on: December 03, 2024, 06:31:34 am »
Most people still use real smoke.  I imagine liquid smoke is just the creosote from good tasting smoke like hickory, dissolved.
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