Conversion frm Langstroth ot TBH

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How would you go about doing a split from a Langstroth hive into a top bar hive?  I saw one guy on here who hung some frames at the front end of a TBH, at 90 degrees to the top bars, and developed major problems, so obviously that's not the way to go.  i don't want to get a package and queen to start a TBH.  I'd prefer to split one of my hives, but I'm just perplexed as to how to go about it.

I have no bee experiance and only read alot.  One ideal that comes to mind comes from abby warre's book "The poeples hive"  He was a firm believer in filling the hive in spring with about 4lbs of bees and just destroying the brood.  Why couldn't you just shake bees out of the hive and make a package for the long hive.  You might want to start with a nuc for the long hive so you could move it a few miles away for a couple weeks.  Or Just do a teranova split (spelled wrong I am sure) and fill it with young wax making bees and feed.
Just my guesses
Good luck

Eugene Willson:
 If your top bar hive is the same dimension as the lang. then put a couple of empty bars in the lang. and let them build comb and lay eggs then put it in the bars in the top bar hive shake some bees and feed them, they should make a queen. or put the queen with them and let the lang. hive make the queen.
 Not a big expert here but I have done this before.

Gww, I had read about Taranov splits, but had forgotten about them.  Yes, that would be great except my hives face a 4-foot retaining wall topped by an 8-foot fence and are only about 3 feet from the wall.  This forces them up upon exiting the hive, which is good, but doesn't leave space for a ramp.  I would love to try a Taranov split sometime, though.  Maybe I'll relocate my hives with that in mind.  Thanks for the response.

Eugene, my top bars are much longer than the top bar on a Lang, but maybe I could use wire ties to fasten frames to top bars.  Good suggestion.  Thanks.


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