I'm off Wednesday and I plan to go to the stockyard to locate some more to plant. Let me do that first and I can see where I'm at as far as planting then I can give you some of my harvest. I won't charge you anything for the cane, just shipping.
Let's pm each other and if you don't hear from me by Wednesday pm me again because I will have got to busy - again.
For me it's a walk down memory lane. Growing up we never went hungry but the trips to the store for candy and stuff hardly ever happened with 5 kids. Sugar cane, muscadines, apples, watermelons, and such was our sugar fix. My wife just shakes her head at me when I explain how we grew up in the rural south. I told her the only time I was taken to the dr right then was when I got shot. My grandfather was great but just cause you said you hurt didn't get you a trip to the doctor. If you still hurt a few days later (serious!) you would probably go. I remember one time I broke my collar bone. A couple of days later... She is an air force brat, but she converted to a great southern gal just fine. Man, you talk about somebody that can make some fig preserves, apple pie filling, ect, !!!
We are trying to establish self sufficiency the best we can. It's fun but it's a lot of work. I'm not sure anyone can make it by their selves without help from someone else.