First of all, don't panic, these are NOT large groups of bees, and tight clustering like this doesn't look like imminent swarm or absconding prep to me. As you say, some bearding at the door is normal for hives in certain conditions (warm nights, rainy weather, crowded hive, etc.), but the clustering at the roofline there is a little odd. What were those bees doing? Were they moving around or just hanging onto each other? If they were moving around, how would you describe their movement?
Other related questions: Is this hive very full of bees? Have you checked for brood lately?
Pro tip: If you ever have a cluster of bees and you'd like them to move or disperse so you can see what they are clustering around, you can just gently sort of poke/pet/scoot them with either your finger or a stick, and they should move away enough for you to see what, if anything, they are on. Do be aware if you try this with guard bees who are right at the entrance, they may become defensive.