Thanks for the humor Michale.
Yes I can understand the effects of energy used 160 years ago which might have started global warming way back then! One example; methane gas released from horse drawn buggies etc. most certainly caused a varied greenhouse effect that might have led to the uncertainty of when to collect maple sap by your homes original owner way out in Nebraska 160 years ago.
Each late Winter/Early Spring is different and always has been. As we know the climate had always changed, and will continue to change with or without humans. lol If one does not believe it all one has to do is ask their local Groundhog on Feb 2. Even though we might get a different answer from year to year! 🤣 THE GROUNDHOG KNOWS 😂
I don?t know how folks who collect maple sap determine when the time is right to do so. Maybe the information provided by the groundhog is the answer? lol