Here is an article about Plantains that you can use to stop the pain from bee stings.
Plantain leaf to the rescue! 🍃 Just got stung by a bumblebee (my fault: I was harvesting a flower and somehow didn't see it). Plantain (Plantago sp.) is my go-to because it! Chewed up a leaf, put it on the sting, and now the pain is 100% gone. I use plantain for stings, bites, rashes, splinters, and more. It's a great "drawing" plant as it draws things out of you (like venom). It's also an ingredient in my all-purpose salve for this very reason. A good one to teach your kids too. Thank you, plantain, for your help today!!! 🍃💕😊
Here is a picture of it.
Jim Altmiller