I have not done this so my comments may or may not be helpful.
I considered trying this on a few close yard hives as an experiment a couples years back. I abandoned the idea before doing it. Mainly, because of my pragmatic nature.
Brood = Bees. Removing brood means removing a substantial amount of bees and upsetting the hive population and age balance. I spend a lot of time, effort, and resources to grow bees, all of those entirely focused towards balance hive strength, and set population demographics across the apiary. To go pulling brood completely wipes all of that work, progress, and expense right off the table.
Logically, realistically, and being pragmatic; I prefer, I must, implement other well proven and effective methods of mite controls that compliment and provide benefit to my work. Methods that do not undo 6 to 8 weeks of hard done spring work, which is 80% of the entire -beekeeping- effort.
The theory, hypothesis, and intent of pulling brood is sound, based on varroa life cycle. But what about the honey bee colony life cycle? In practical application the method is, imho- sorry for being blunt, is just a really stupid thing to do.
A pragmatic man. A Canadian - so, like, sorry, eh.