Here is the schedule for BeeFest.
On arrival, fill in registration form and name tags.
I have an add in a local newspaper for free swarm removals so we may be stopping to go get swarms from time to time or we may just send a team out to get them.
Friday morning:
8:00 Breakfast.
9:00 Registration, name tags and Introductions.
10:00 Make up queen starter boxes.
11:00 Make up Swarm traps.
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Set Swarm Traps in Maccelleny.
Kids crafts. Fishing
3:00 Make candles. Bring wax.
4:00 TBD.
6:00 Dinner and social hour.
8:00 Campfire ,S?mores, Singing, Bring your musical instruments.
Saturday morning:
8:00 AM, Breakfast.
9:00 Inspect Splits and move queen right boxes into separate hives. Weather permitting.
12:30 PM, Lunch.
1:30 Lesson on Apitherapy by Karen Wassamer
2:30 Queen grafting Demo by Michael Bush
4:00 TBD
6:00 Dinner and social hour.
8:00 Campfire, S?mores, Singing, Bring your musical instruments.
Sunday morning
8:00 Breakfast.
9:00 Smoker contest followed by Smoker training/how to light a five hour smoker.
Bring your smoker if you want to participate. If you are flying, I have 7 extra smokers here. Let me know.
10:00 TBD
11:00 Oxalic acid demo by John Boeckstiegel.
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Steam wax melter and plasticell dipping.
I?m sure this schedule will change a bit but this is the initial plan.
Jim Altmiller