I'm currently interested in what would be the quickest method of creating splits into boxes with no comb,
and all we are starting with is a double deep strong hive.
What if you were to nadir the double deep? IIRC bees like to put their brood closer to the entrance,
and so I would guess they would happily draw comb in the bottom box and begin laying there.
Once most of the comb had been drawn and brood in it I could imagine taking that box and giving
it a new queen (or if the existing queen happened to be in that box you took out then you'd have
to give the strong hive a new queen) and you have a new hive. You would then replace that box
you took out with another empty one and the process repeats.
The main advantage that I can tell is that you get the economy of scale that a strong double deep
hive gives you. As far as I can tell, other options would involve splitting the hive up, and thus weaken it.
Does this make any sense, or would it mostly be a waste of time?