Once again (and for the last time, and then the last word can be yours), You accept the explanations of what these people say. I cannot prove how deeply you investigated their claims or if you have at all. As far as I know all you did was go to a website and copy, paste and say, "See? Here is proof". I personally know people who were evolution professors in universities who have since exposed the problems involved. I tried to get my older sons (who are evolutionist atheists) to watch a seminar given on cd by one of these ex-evolutionists and they said they were not interested. So your claims of open-minded evolutionists must stop at yourself, if that is even true.
Question- Have you studied the prophecies of Daniel2 and then tested the fulfilment against history? Would you be willing to? PLease do not answer here. That is a question for your own heart.
BUt nevertheless, I notice that while you kindly corrected us for discussing religious themes on a thread about the origin of species, you yourself want to talk about the age of rocks, which has absolutely nothing to do with the evolution of species. You seem to hold a contempt for the Bible and for Christians. You say that evolution theories are compatible with genetics science. Are you saying that the genetics pioneer and scientist that I personally knew was wrong, and that you know better? Its a big world and there are many explanations for things, Brendhan. Which of the three theories for planet formation that were presented three months apart is the correct one? They all claim to be based on "science" and they all claim to be the truth and teh others wrong- based on facts.. Science, so-called, has more contraditions within itself than the BIble ever thought to have.
Brian wrote,
>>>>The answer to the questions disputed here comes to us after death, or for those lucky enough to survive it, that creationism is the final word. Man in his limited world (he exists in only 4 of the many demensions) has too narrow a few to see or dicover the truth. Those who insist upon scientific proof of everything will never have faith because faith is belief in truthes unseen. And Believe me, having seen the "other side" there is a lot living man has not seen.<<<<
I have seen it too, Brian. There is a world completely unknown to "science", and that they in their arrogance refuse to admit exists. Man is puny and insignificant. We are dust and insects in the greater scope of things. BUt God loves us. The One who controls everything but our minds and hearts loves us puny and insignificant creatures. You see, I know God, he heals broken bodies, broken lives and broken souls. If He used evolution and I am wrong, then so be it. BUt I have investigated the foundations upon which that theory was guilt and it comes to nothing. It cannot be seen, proven, or observed. God, while invisible to the human eye, transcends our lives and manifests Himself to those who want to truly know HIm.
Hopeful out....