Is this true?

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Ben Framed:
AM Radio tower receives an incredible amount of energy, while not being connected to any energy source. Is this real or fake?

Michael Bush:
What kind of energy?  A tree in my woods received an incredible amount of energy a few days ago.  Like a bolt from the sky.  Actually it was a bolt from the sky... but the sky is always full of electricity.

yes.. real
the brown cylinder at the base of the tower is the insulator
the disconnected cable laying on the ground would normally be connected to the tower to energize it for signal transmission (it goes to the transmitter) The other towers of the antenna array are still connected and transmitting.

so .. the disconnected broadcast tower acts as a receiver tower (big antenna) and is energized by electromagnetic waves from the other towers

close proximity to the broadcasting towers (where the em flux is highest) and the tower being really long ... the longer the antenna and closer to the source .. the greater the energy induced in it.

Once the arc is established, the plasma created around it oscillates in relation to the amplitude  .. so it acts sorta like the diaphragm of a speaker, and why you can hear the radio signal being broadcast by the other towers. 

There are a few videos on YouTube that show this effect way better ... using a crane close to a radio station that show the effect and with clearer reception ... but can't post links because of bylaws and the fact that construction guys like me are talking in them :cheesy:

And what Michael Bush said is also true.. And ...even without lightning or differences in voltage potential at different altitudes, an antenna can also become charged with static electricity (contact electrification by air molecules passing by it) Some would say through friction, but friction doesn't actually produce a static charge(even the word static is irritating and not really correct, but everybody uses it)
In this case though, the induced charge/current from the broadcast towers is the overwhelming factor.

this and my other post are not precise, but hopefully accurate enough to get the points across ?   :embarassed:
... haven't actually dealt with stuff for years and too lazy to get all my ducks in a row.

Ben Framed:
Thanks for explaining this animal..


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