What is it? farmer was given a six sided set of beeboxes

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This small farmer knows that I am interested in beekeeping. A month ago he called me kind of excited. He is into organic farming, and some agriculture officials liked his project and and gave him a bee hive. He wants to know if I would like to help him since I already have a smoker and veil.
They gave him a set of six-sided boxes, that were stacked on top of each other (four boxes I think). the entrance is under the bottom box.
Anyone knows what kind of hive this is? sorry I dont have any pictures.

I tried an internet search and came up with something called a HEX hive. but this is not the same.

There are no frames inside. instead there are two thin strips of wood across the top of each box. the boxes are a brownish color, and is meant to mimic a hollow tree.
When the people were there, they made measurements of waves of some kind. either gravity of magnetic,  and showed him a location for the hive. they also said to face the entrance east.
He was told that there were bees on his land and they would find the hive and occupy it.

anywhere on the internet i can get information?

The hive is a vertical top-bar. I'd love to see pics of it.

The measurement-of-waves thing sounds like mystical silliness.

Michael Bush:
Do a search on "hex hive".   The idea is that it simulates a hollow tree better.  The reality is that the frames/bars are not all interchangeable and that is a pain...

I did do some searching on the internet. The closest thing I came up with was the HEX hive which on the outside looks similar.
but this one does not have bars or frames of any kind inside. Just two thin parallel strips on the top of each box.

the first question that came to my mind is what will they use attach the comb?


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