Except that intelligence and taking heed greatly increases life expectancy. No guarantees on an individual basis but exceptional (measurable) outcomes on a statistical basis.
There, fixed it. ... imo. ... started to say that I fully agreed with you but my internet went down and had time to think. (Xfinity sucks sometimes)
Maximizing time is fine if that's what you value most, but that's not the focus of everyone (not me, for sure). What I am for is for everyone to be well informed of risks so that they can make the best decisions for themselves ... according to the things they value. That also requires clear and communicable definitions of things and processes to keep us honest with others and ourselves.
My generic hope for people is that they live their best life according to their own values without interfering with others living theirs. Personally, time has had little to with it in my life. Anyway, best to you.
Beemaster, I was just kidding, but thanks. I use cheap androids because I tend to destroy them ... currently on my third phone this year.