Wanted: Mighty Mite thermal treatment unit
Looking for a Mighty Mite thermal treatment unit, thank you.
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Welcome to Beemaster.
Please read the bylaws. Offering to pay for something is against the bylaws.
You may notice we have a TRADING POST, this forum is for SWAPPING items for other items. Feel free to detail the items, but only list items you wish to trade or swap, and do not put a dollar value on the product - anyone interested in what you are trying to exchange or purchase, they will contact you. If prices are found in the forums (especially if the "price" had to be removed by a moderator because the member posting is selling something he manufactured or is selling as a business) then the entire post will be removed and you will likely be banned especially if this is a second infraction. Note: all prices if posted in public forums will be removed, along with the post by the moderators discretion - talk about your items in anyway, but keep prices out or likely the post will disappear and you will be notified of why. Blatant disregards to this rule will lead to banishment. Our forums will not be a place where anyone setups up a store front and uses us as their website shopping cart.
I?m so sorry, I guess I missed the no prices part, I?m afraid I have nothing to swap as I?m brand new to beekeeping, just looking for a used thermal unit as they look to be indefinitely backordered by the manufacturer. Completely unintentional, I saw that one can?t post items they are manufacturing as a store front, thought posting about an item wanted was ok though. Is it ok to post about an item wanted if one doesn?t post any prices but one doesn?t have anything to trade? Just trying to understand so I don?t make any more mistakes, thank you.
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Not sure why the Tapatalk app changed all my apostrophes to question marks, oh well.
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See PM.
For some reason Beemaster changes several punctuation characters to question marks. We have not been able to correct this.
Jim Altmiller
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