Why not try small cell?

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Fox Creek:
  I'm new to beekeeping and I would like to share some thoughts.  The first beekeeping book I read was "The Backyard Beekeeper." I found this to be very informative and decided to try my hand. I ordered four hives from Mann Lake. I contacted Olivarez's Bees in Orland Ca. and reserved four packages.
  While waiting for April to arrive I read "The Idiot's Guide to Beekeeping". Not knowing anything about beekeeping I decided to send for the pf100 and pf120 small cell frames from Mann Lake.
  I started my beekeeping using small cell and no chemicals. My Carniolan bees had no problem building comb on the small cell and the foundationless frames I inserted between built comb frames.
  As of now I have never seen a mite. My hives seems to be doing very well going into winter.
  I have also bought and read, "The Practical Beekeeper" by Michael Bush. I have to say, I'm a believer in natural, no chemical, small cell beekeeping.
  I do not understand why one would resist using the small cell.   


     BEE HAPPY Jim 134 :)

Fox Creek:
Thank you Jim. I read this report awhile back. The debate rages on! As a new beekeeper I decided it would harm nothing to go small cell. So far so good. I guess I will find out. 

Michael Bush:
After a decade of no Varroa issues at all, I won't go back to large cell...


--- Quote from: Fox Creek on October 08, 2012, 12:43:56 am ---  I'm new to beekeeping and I would like to share some thoughts.  The first beekeeping book I read was "The Backyard Beekeeper." I found this to be very informative and decided to try my hand. I ordered four hives from Mann Lake. I contacted Olivarez's Bees in Orland Ca. and reserved four packages.
  While waiting for April to arrive I read "The Idiot's Guide to Beekeeping". Not knowing anything about beekeeping I decided to send for the pf100 and pf120 small cell frames from Mann Lake.
  I started my beekeeping using small cell and no chemicals. My Carniolan bees had no problem building comb on the small cell and the foundationless frames I inserted between built comb frames.
  As of now I have never seen a mite. My hives seems to be doing very well going into winter.
  I have also bought and read, "The Practical Beekeeper" by Michael Bush. I have to say, I'm a believer in natural, no chemical, small cell beekeeping.
  I do not understand why one would resist using the small cell.  

--- End quote ---

You are gold to those that promote small cell.

Had bees not even one year, and you are a believer in small cell. Great job!

As there are always the next wave of beekeeper coming on board and taking this same position, yes you are right, the battle rages on.

I know many beekeepers who once thought the same way as you. I suggest, before being an advocate for small cell and claiming to be a believer, a bit more time may be required. Even the hardest of die-hard small cell supporters say that regression and getting to the correct genetics, is a several year process. Of course no need for that promotion any more when the new smallcell crowd claims smallcell success with less than a year of beekeeping experience.

Give it some time.  ;) You state you have never seen a mite yet claim smallcell is a success after one summer. I'm surprised even smallcell folks can stand by and seemingly say nothing about that.

Your bees were probably treated prior to getting them. And it is common to have first year hives with little or no mite problems. It hardly can be translated into claiming smallcell success.

Good luck.


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