Overseas aid

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Cost the US taxpayer about $50 billion last year, yes billion.
Here's a list of who got what
Now this money, like all government money, came from the people, unless congress had a car wash or bake sale and didn't tell us, but

Article 1, section 8

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

So how does giving, let's say Nigeria, one of the most corrupt counties on earth, $335 million of our money provide for the "common welfare and defense of the United States"?

Just wondering :wink:

we are not as careful with our foreign aid as we should be.  This does not give a very good breakdown of exactly how most of that money is disbursed or even exactly what they count as aid, except for the military part.  We spend a great deal on UN programs, and money dispersed through UN programs.  That would be  great place to cut.  The majority of the UN disbursements go to government with the promise the money or aid will be used for the people.  We know that is rarely the case. 

We do a lot of medical stuff overseas including using our military medical staffs for various programs.  is that aid, military aid, or even counted?  We are supposed to have limits according to human rights abuses, etc. but this seems often ignored.

It is to our benefit to be involved.  We gained a great deal of good will in Africa with our AIDS program.  The 2005 Pakistan earthquake aid was the first interaction that many of those people had  with Americans and they found we were not growing horns out of our head.  Same thing in Burma.
As a health matter, vaccine programs, clean water programs, etc. are to everyone's benefit.  It's' pretty easy to spread stuff all over the world these days. 

There are a lot of things that are questionable and there should be more stringent controls and reviews.

Michael Bush:
>So how does giving, let's say Nigeria, one of the most corrupt counties on earth, $335 million of our money provide for the "common welfare and defense of the United States"?

By buying us friends.  It has always worked so well in the past too...

While on the subject of Nigeria and money, our soon to be former president has promised to help Nigeria's President to recover some stolen money, which I'm sure includes part of the aid money we gave them.
Just plain wrong

Michael Bush:
>our soon to be former president has promised to help Nigeria's President to recover some stolen money

No, I think I know where it is.  It's in this Nigerian bank account and they offered to transfer it to my account if I give them a 10% fee...

Or maybe it's the guy who is trying to reimburse me for that other Nigerian being a scam... he's from Nigeria too and wants to transfer 2.5 million dollars to my account...  I'll bet that's where that stolen money is...


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