Yes, unfortunately everything loves quail. I caught a big black snake with a quail in it's belly when it swallowed one whole, twice. I don't have the heart to kill the snake because I have too many mice. The raccoons got into them three or four times now and killed a bunch. I released them and for days you'd hear the red tails getting excited. I haven't heard any bobwhites, so they may have all gotten eaten. But when I first moved here I heard Bobwhites all the time. Especially in the morning and evening. But then I'm having a hard time keeping the chickens alive because of the predators. Raccoons, coyotes, foxes, opossums (caught in the act), owls, red tailed hawks, bald eagles etc. No shortage of things that love chickens and quail. I ordered some Jungle Fowl chicks for this spring. Very expensive, but I'm hoping they will survive better. I also ordered some Americauna chickens because in the past I had better luck keeping them alive than my other chickens. I'm not sure if I'll try the quail again. It was a huge undertaking with poor results, but then I learned a lot that I would do different now. So maybe it would go better next time.