With a bag of layer pellets costing $15 per 50lb bag. It helps for sure. We have healthy eggs, healthy birds and a great hobby for the kids.
Holy smoking smoke!!! Frantz I cannot believe how expensive layer pellets are for you. Eeeks!!! That freaked me right out.
Here we pay $10.20 for a 50 pound bag, $15.00 would be a really bad thing. I wonder why such the difference in price. Even when the Canadian dollar was at par with the American last year, the price was still the same as it is today. Weird.
It is important that chickens get the proper amount of nutrients, they must have good nutrients or you don't have very healthy chickens. Period. Unhealthy chickens do not give great egg production. They require that they do not have chicken lice either, or internal parasites. Those deplete the souls of the bird too, and reduce egg production.
The layer pellets that I feed my chickens are non-medicated, but have a great array of vitamins and minerals that are important for the health of the bird, I believe in that. AND...all the kitchen scraps that I muster up, it is theirs to dine on too.
Giving the birds that flaxseed is excellent, as that is transmitted to the humans in consumption of the eggs. Which, by the way, consumption of eggs (especially with the omega three oils) (flaxseed is one great source for it) have been found to be far more beneficial for people than the thing about high cholesterol and eggs. Just some trivia.
Free range. Birds that can access green growing food for their dining pleasure, bugs, insects, stuff that they can eat, rocks to help to digest their food. That is what a free range bird is.
And yes, the taste between a commercial bird that is stuff to the gills to have it gain weight fast, without the good ol' grassy, greeny, browny stuff that the free range birds eat, well, you just cannot compare, period. And free range birds are very low in fat content because they have great exercise, which we all know helps to keep fat low, smiling. Have a wonderful and awesome day, great life, attract great health. Cindi