Huge Losses with No Bees Left
We have had Africanized Bees in this country for over 2 decades now. A lodge number of bees are raised in the south and then sold all over the country. Most of the bees in the US now have some Africanized genetics in them. When bee inspectors take samples to determine if a hive is Africanized or not, do not get a yes or no answer, they get a percentage.
Jim Altmiller
--- Quote from: sawdstmakr on April 16, 2021, 06:09:58 pm ---Member,
We have had Africanized Bees in this country for over 2 decades now. A lodge number of bees are raised in the south and then sold all over the country. Most of the bees in the US now have some Africanized genetics in them. When bee inspectors take samples to determine if a hive is Africanized or not, do not get a yes or no answer, they get a percentage.
Jim Altmiller
--- End quote ---
Oh, okay, I see what you mean. It's not something that is generally an issue here though, so I think a virus of some sort is probably more likely.
Imho, virus. Which one is the mystery unless a sample is taken and analysis is done. The most common unseen disappearing bees virus are KBV IAPV ABPV. It is a widespread problem of 2020/2021 winter losses. Many are blaming it on a mite population explosion, but where there are mites there are virus which can still quickly take hold and kill off a hive after the mites have been dealt with.
Bob Wilson:
Great. More colony troubles to anticipate.
Pretty soon the skunks will figure out how to organize themselves into roving gangs, and the brown bears will learn how to carjack our trailer trucks in the middle of the night, and transport the entire apiary up to their mountain dens.
The longer I keep bees, the more trouble seems stacked against them.
Yup, there are alot of things out there trying to skim off of or outright kill the honeybee. Including man ;)
Beekeeping gets complicated quickly.
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