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Author Topic: Below ground Locating  (Read 68223 times)

Offline Michael Bush

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Re: Below ground Locating
« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2023, 07:17:12 am »
Most of the people I know who believe in dowsing do not believe it is paranormal.  It does sound like more of a pseudo science to me, but they believe it's something like ley lines or magnetism...
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Re: Below ground Locating
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2023, 08:40:31 am »
seems like any electromagnetic effect strong to move the rods would be easily detected with modern tech. An electroscope kinda looks like dowsing rods to me, but it won't find water 30' underground..
Sorry, I consider ley lines to be in the same category as magic, spirits, pyramid energy, and the like.
Then again there are some "scientific" views of dark energy, wormholes and magnetic monopoles ... maybe the dowsers can solve some questions there ?
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Re: Below ground Locating
« Reply #22 on: May 01, 2023, 10:52:52 pm »
Troutdog taught me how to douse during BeeFest 2019. He made a living dousing for minerals for mineral mining communities. They wouldn?t have hired him if he couldn?t pinpoint where to dig or drill. He was correct 80% of the time. Keep in mind they have all kinds of sensors and electro magnetic graphing but they still hired a rouser.
I use it but very hesitantly. It definitely does work. How it works is a little scary. It is like you are asking some greater force for information. You first ask 3 questions for permission for the information. It seems to me like the universe is somehow connected and we are tapping into that connection for information. It is almost like the movie Avatar.
Like I said, scary.
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Re: Below ground Locating
« Reply #23 on: May 02, 2023, 03:47:29 am »
Sorry, haven't seen the movie.
I actually do not doubt that some people are successful dowsers and I don't mean to be disparaging of them. I am suggesting that the dowser may be underestimating his own abilities and knowledge, attributing them to an outside force, and constructing a false image of something greater than himself.
I do believe in "true magic" ... in the sense of something that works and is inexplicable to the observer, but explainable with enough work. Attempting to explain things makes us better, as does most any work, but sometimes taking a break to just appreciate the magic of successful dowsers or quantum mechanics is good too.
I also think that belief in something greater than himself and striving to make himself better, is what defines a man as human and "special" among the animals. Personally, I tend to loosely equate this to the "soul" or "image of the creator" , but that's another subject. I would say that if a man considers a part of himself of which he is unaware .. to be greater than himself, it takes his focus off of that which actually is greater. A case of "know thyself, so that you will know what you are not."
As for scary? The things I fear the most are things that are within me and must be controlled. The abyss is within us. When it stares back, we must defeat it ...kind of thing
Your friend with the 80% success rate. I would bet that over the years he has accumulated a lot of knowledge of the land. I would further bet that he is using some of that knowledge without being aware of it. The three question for permission thing sounds like a ritual relaxation technique and, if it is, can induce an altered state of consciousness.
I don"t have any answers; just an attempted explanation from one perspective.
 Lots of "ifs" , lots of mysteries. Ain't life fun?

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Online Ben Framed

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Re: Below ground Locating
« Reply #24 on: May 02, 2023, 03:51:32 am »
Through Science, Tesla was well aware of the earths magnetic field. Does this recognized science fit in this topic? I do not know...
Lots of "ifs" , lots of mysteries. Ain't life fun?

On that;  Agreed!  :grin:

« Last Edit: May 02, 2023, 10:15:29 am by Ben Framed »

Offline Michael Bush

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Re: Below ground Locating
« Reply #25 on: May 02, 2023, 06:58:29 am »
The I Ching, the Urim and the Thurim, David's linen ephod etc. are all based on the idea that God (the Tao etc.) can communicate if we ask them to and that they don't have to answer if they don't want to.  So when King Saul is asking if he should attack or not he keeps getting no answer.  I've always been uncomfortable with asking for answers that weren't offered.
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Offline Occam

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Re: Below ground Locating
« Reply #26 on: June 12, 2023, 07:02:51 pm »

I am suggesting that the dowser may be underestimating his own abilities and knowledge, attributing them to an outside force, and constructing a false image of something greater than himself.

 Lots of "ifs" , lots of mysteries. Ain't life fun?

I think possibly dowsers (I wouldn't necessarily consider myself one though I've been more successful than not locating pipes) are able to disconnect their conscious logic and tap into their innate instincts to be able to observe without looking.  Belief that it works is part of it while conversely disbelief will close that door. The ability to let go of the control vs clinging only to what makes sense. Could it be scientifically explainable one day? Perhaps. Is it a non physical force at work? Could be. Sometimes the greatest "outside force" is ourselves getting out of our own way. Either way belief or disbelief have an effect, the mysteries are fun and numerous
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