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I peeked inside the portals on my hives and saw condensation in the top two boxes, I didn't open the lower box because there were some ant cruising around and they have the bottom one sealed up. Anyhow, is that condensation a problem? I was cool last night and warmed up quicky this morning. I have not checked back to see if it's still there but I will.
Thats normal when you're feeding 1:1 sugar syrup.  It's a problem in the fall, thats why 2:1 is recommended for fall feeding.  As the stores dry out it creates condensation.  When your colony builds up to the configuration you want to overwinter in, 2 deeps or 3 mediums in your area, you can stop feeding and add a honey super.  Right now, when you inspect you are seeing stored sugar syrup, not nectar or honey.   
Thank you, that file drawer on what ___cose it was needed some oil.
So I think, and someone chime in if this is wrong, But the higher the sucrose content the quicker the honey will set.
Glucose, not sucrose. 
So I think, and someone chime in if this is wrong, But the higher the sucrose content the quicker the honey will set.
Bill I was mixed up. It was the cabbage palm I was thinking of. I have nine of the three in my area that I am aware of. (canola, cabbage palm, or palomino).

FARMING & COUNTRY LIFE / Re: Laser projects
« Last post by animal on Today at 11:10:27 am »
Thanks for the tip. I wish I could, but I have one more year of being broke to go... The youngest just finished up her classes, but is required to do a year of internship at a hospital before she'll be making her own money ...

unless I can figure out a way that a laser engraver could help her in her internship ... hmmm   :cheesy:

been putting off having a dro and steppers put on my milling machine for years now too.  :sad:

for now, I have to be content seeing yours and Lesgold's projects, and stacking the ideas for later.
WEB VIDEOS / Re: Paul Harvey; News and Comments 1987
« Last post by Terri Yaki on Today at 10:52:47 am »
Karmella Harrass interview:


That guy does crack me up. He looks like Danny Bonaducci.
I dont know anything about canola. I havnt had a problem with palmetto setting up, normally as a stand alone it is wet, prone to fermentation But not as bad as the cabbage palm. The first boxes that normally overlap the Gallberry, are a good mix but kinda takes the Ill call it "bite" out of the gallberry. Its the cabbage palm that ferments bad due to the yeast thats harbored in the flower bundle (or so im told)
Bees are starting to work on the Chinese Tallow. Ben, Palmetto blooms with Gallberry and Tupelo. Both of them do not crystallize very much. I have had jars of this honey on the shelf for 5 years and not crystalize.
Bill pulls his honey trying to get purer flower flows so he might know.
Jim Altmiller
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