" With the jack screw design it takes about a minute to close and makes a lot of noise. There is no surprise snap shut closure."
Unlike what I am proposing. Mine will work like a guillotine with a dull edge! They had better be some fast chickens if the 'timer' is not set to trip until 'after' dusk and its dark ! lol

chickens go in the coup way before it is dark. They are vulnerable if the door closes when it is dark.
Yes that is true Brian I posted as a solution to what Kathy described as some models of automatic door closers, being "chicken killers". lol
My suggestion would eliminate of the problem of the "chicken killing" door. lol

As I stated before, if the door was set to shut just after dusk; when dark, this would eliminate the door killing chickens.
Yet another model with a sensor that 'will not' shut on chickens was also suggested by Kathy, which sounds good. The problem and question; Would this include not shutting on an early arriving coon or other variety of varmint, allowing them to enter 'along' with the chickens 'before dark' ?
Remember gww told us of an occasion he experienced this problem, a coon did just that, entered before dark. It is doubtful the chicken saving sensor can distinguish the difference between a chicken or varmint, allowing varmints inside as well as the chickens even "before dark"? So really this model, while sparing the late arriving straggling chicken, will also allow an occasional 'lucky' coon, weasel, or other varmint in with the chickens 'before' the door closes
before or after dark depending on the setting? So what is gained?
Just for fun, let's consider, which method gives us the best odds or chances for preserving the most chickens over all? A door that will hypothetically kill a straggling chicken a day if the timing is not right on the example Kathy gave us of the "chicken killer door"? Or a model with a sensor that will not shut on a chicken or varmint, allowing both late comers inside without harm?
Unless the sensor can identify the difference in creatures which is doubtful... 'Humor intended'

; If we choose the killer door model without the chicken/varmint saving sensor, set to close at dust or before dark, we just might get lucky enough to have the door shut on that elusive varmint, which may be attempting sneaking inside, instead of killing our very own chicken!! lol Just kidding. This concept would make a good ole fashion looney tunes cartoon with just a little imagination!

Seriously, there may not be a 'perfect' solution. A good yard dog would most certainly be of good help in the matter, especially at roost time of twilight..