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Author Topic: EMAIL QUESTIONS FROM JASON about CCD  (Read 3152 times)

Offline beemaster

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« on: August 26, 2007, 02:08:09 am »
Hi Gang:

I received this email from a concerned non-beekeeper who would really like our opinions on CCD - his questions are thought provoking and your input is highly appriciated. Here is his email:

Hello John,
I recently came across your website and, as a concerned citizen, I thought I'd write you in hopes in having some of my questions about CCD answered. With all the hype in the media it's hard to know what's really going on and to find out what the average person can do to help the situation. I would very much appreciate any light you can shed on the situation. So here goes.
How serious is the situation, here and abroad?
At present what is the outlook for:
The honeybee
The beekeeping community
What can the average citizen do?

Could backyard and organic beekeeping ease the situation? Top bar vs. Langstroth method.
Who’s leading the charge in raising awareness and should the average citizen be made aware of what they can do to help?
Is the government involved enough?
Is enough money being thrown at finding a solution?
Even if/when a solution is found what kind of ongoing awareness would be be beneficial to all concerned?
Where should money be channeled to do the most good?
Is enough being done overall?
Again, thanks for your help.

Best regards,


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Offline Cindi

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« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2007, 10:30:36 am »
John, hey, good questions eh?  I am going to be listening and learning too, I don't have any input on this subject.  Best of this beautiful day.  Cindi
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