Let?s Go Hunting Or Fishing! Your Pick!

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If it works perfectly as advertised, and I was filthy rich ... I'd buy one and play for a year or two, then sell it. Just seeing the bottoms of a few yankee cars over the years makes me cringe over the idea of putting it in salt water. The idea of a car with boat registration numbers/sticker on the sides and driving down a boat ramp with a crowd around is amusing, tho...

Ben Framed:

--- Quote from: Michael Bush on March 06, 2024, 06:04:52 am --->The perfect outdoor vehicle?

The perfect outdoor vehicle is a mule.  Next is a horse.

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Not all forms of transportation are vehicles, and not all vehicles are a form of transportation. A horse is indeed a transport, but not a vehicle. A vehicle is a man-made thing. In this case, (myself being a horse lover and mule enthusiast by the way), I had 'vehicles' in mind.

This vehicle, using animals words ("If it works perfectly as advertised"); Would be hard to beat for an 'all around' combination hunting and fishing 'vehicle' as compared to other 'vehicles' IMHO. 

Michael Bush:
vehicle: a thing used for transporting people or goods, especially on land

Ben Framed:

--- Quote from: Michael Bush on March 06, 2024, 11:27:44 am ---vehicle: a thing used for transporting people or goods, especially on land

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The key word is "thing". A mule, horse, camel and even and elephant are classified as mammals, animals with specific names and are certainly not inanimate objects.

Thing: an object that one need not, cannot, or does not wish to give a specific name to: an inanimate material object as distinct from a living     sentient being.

Ben Framed:

--- Quote from: Acebird on March 06, 2024, 07:59:22 am ---I can only imagine what that toy cost.  It would capsize in the ocean waves.  And you would be nuts to put that is salt water.

--- End quote ---

I agree salt water would not be a good idea..


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