I pledge to be a Beekeeping Merit Badge Councilor
David LaFerney:
I pledge to be a Beekeeping Merit Badge Councilor. - Cookeville TN - I'm in the book.
I was a scout for several years in the '70s. I'm having bees for one year now.
David LaFerney
I am now a mentor for numerous new beekeepers, including 8 or 10 kids. I also plan to keep it up for as many as possible for as long as I am able.
I have been a boy scout and have worked with scout troops in the past. I would like very much to work with scouts toward a BSA merit badge.
I have kept bees for 30+ years and am a certified Journeyman beekeeper in the state of N.C.
I live in Randolph County, N.C.
I pledge to be a Beekeeping Merit Badge Councilor.
I would like very much to work with scouts toward a BSA merit badge.
50+ years beekeeping experience.
BEE HAPPY Jim 134 :)
I pledge to be a Beekeeping Merit Badge Councilor.
I live in Denver,CO and have had bees for 2 years but have been studying them for over 4 years.
Any help I can provide for the youth I'm all for.
I was in the scouts when I was younger but life got in the way would love to get back into it.
David Jones
never been a scout, and basicly a beehaver, but you got me Rob
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