I was chased out of the apiary by an angry hive for the first time today, and I also hurt my back lifting a box, two things that were probably inevitable at some point, and both on the same day. I have a hive that has been getting testier and testier as the fall is coming on. They were due for an inspection today, so I opened them up. It was hairy right from the get-go, lots of flying bees, and they were not very responsive to my smoking. Then I tried to lift a box that I thought I had cracked well enough, but I hadn't. The box wasn't very heavy, but I just wasn't prepared for it to resist me as much as it did, and something popped in my back. It hurt in this dull, internal way, and I felt like I couldn't move.
I tend to get light-headed, and I felt a wave come over me, so I took my water bottle and went and sat down away from the hives for a minute until I didn't feel like I was going to pass out anymore. I had left the hive open of course, and by the time I got back up to the apiary there were a LOT of bees in the air. I managed to get one box inspected, but I was having to move so gingerly because of my back that I couldn't do anything efficiently, and there were hundreds of bees in the air, pinging off my veil and biting and stinging the wrists of my suit, and I realized this was not going to work.
I was worried about lifting the boxes to get the hive back together, and I thought about getting my sister, who was up in the woods cutting branches for her goats, to help me, but I realized this situation would only worsen in the time it would take her to get suited up, and no one but me was going to be able to do this without getting stung like crazy. So, being careful of my back, but not of killing bees, I got the hive back together, and then walked through the underbrush to try and get the bees off my suit enough to get my stuff out of the apiary. Then I walked around in front of the garage until the all the bees got off my suit and I could safely undress. I somehow didn't take any stings to my actual body, but my suit probably took 30. I went and told my sister to stay away from the apiary, then went inside and took a hot shower, which made my back feel a little better.
I left the frames in the one box all separated, and I need to get this hive inspected and down to three boxes for beetle control, so early next week my sister and I will try and tackle them again. She can lift the boxes for me, since she is stronger than I am and not injured, and she can also take my notes for me while I work so I can be in and out of the hive as quickly as possible. I'll wash my suit tomorrow to get all the venom and stings out of it.
So there you have it: my first ever total mess of a beekeeping day. I'm surprised it took me 5 years to have a disaster. I knew I'd have to have one at some point, and today just happened to be the day.