I've been thinking this over and reading the replies we have had to the GENERAL CHATTER about a RV/CAMPING RALLY for the Beemaster Forum Members....
I want to take a poll and get some real replies (all in one post) that would give us ALL a better idea of we could actually have a RV/CAMPING RALLY THIS YEAR in the LATER SUMMER or FALL :) Even planning a trip for NEXT Spring isn't too far away!
First, some basic ideas that we need to cover - stuff crutial to the logistics of the event.
Many RVing Parks have NO TENT CAMPING at all - transversly many Campgrounds have both, but limited RV size - in which case my monster 37 footer wouldn't make it past the front gate - ugh.
Additionally, some places do not allow GROUP REGISTRATIONS which can be a nightmare when trying to get everyone coordinated into a set weekend. All these are paramount in the registration phase of the event.
So, we need to shop around and find a place that allows ALL TYPES OF CAMPING and allows group reservations ( and more importantly ) is FAIR in its location relative to the travel distance of all the members attending.
In a perfect world, we find a place where 1) all types of campers and people needing to stay at local hotel/motel in lieu of camping AND no one travels any further than anyone else.
I really don't think this world exists, so we all may need to bend a bit in the planning - but that leaves us with the most important remaining obstical - the date and duration of the event. The actual activities that can be planned (whether those at the camp facility or events planned by the Bee Forum Members) will be interesting and should include games for the younger attenders and educational fun (GPS GAMES, contests, card games, etc) for th older members to occupy their time too.
I'll leave the rest of this post blank except to say that MANY OF YOU LIKE THE IDEA OF A RALLY - I surely do and I think it is VERY feasable to accomplish. In the same respect, if we decide it CAN be done, I want to have a Rally Coordination group in charge of the logistical stuff - for example 1 person to speak as spokes-person for the group to the Campground, having a Point of Contact on BOTH ends of the reservation process is very valuable and reduces confusion.
We need to talk about WHEN, WHERE and HOW LONG. We also need to form ideas on what activities, local area attrations and any concerns related to travel distance each of us many have.
So, I'll leave this empty from here on but I'll finish with a short poll: please try to answer these questions WHICH I think may help us gather an idea of what accomidations we may need.
Please: only respond if you THINK you may be able to attend a Rally in some fashion - whether it is with a camper, tent, backpacking, staying at a local motel and coming each day as a visitor (note: all camp grounds have a visitor policy, many charge $5 or so daily per visitor and require you leave by 10pm.QUESTIONS: please reply Starting with the QUESTION NUMBER:
1) Late Summer or Fall 2005 is possible.
2) This would be better in the Spring or Summer 2006.
3) The method of Camping I have is Tent, RV, need Local Hotel, Other (please explain why). AND HOW MUCH A NIGHT DO YOU LIMIT YOURSELF FOR CAMPING FEES???
Cost is important and will vary greatly according to your personal requirements: Beemaster and Ladybee have a 37ft bus style RV www.beemaster.com/bus.html with required 50amp 240volt service and full hookups - this is generally the MOST EXPENSIVE camp site at RV PARKS which will run typically $35 to $70 a night. So we assume it will be in those price ranges for us - if you tent or have a smaller travel trailer, etc - your own nightly fee would be MUCH lower.4) I am willing to travel the following miles: 1-200, 200-400, 400 or more.
5) The following States are (good or not good) NY, PA, NJ, MD, DE (these are the central Eastern States in the US Coastal Area - explain any problems with any of those states.
6) I would be willing to attend with 1-5 other members, 5-10 members, 10-20 members, only more than 20 other members.
7) I think the Rally should be 1-3 days long, 3-4 days long 5 or more days long - and why?
8) Please include OTHER questions or suggestions you have for this rally. That includes issues from meetings concerning beekeeping matters to a full-featured child playground or water tubing rides.
Remember - this is a chane to get to know each other BEYOND the world of BEEKEEPING. I'm sure we will all talk generously about our beeyards, but I hope that it is a fun and relaxing time where we all get to know each other much better BEYOND the typing and photos we post in the forums.
Thanks everyone. Even if you do not think you could attend because of scheduling or distance issues, if you have any ideas which could make this more entertaining to those who could attend, please feel free to reply.