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Author Topic: I remember places I've never been  (Read 15334 times)

Offline wayne

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I remember places I've never been
« on: January 18, 2010, 10:00:25 pm »
 The other night I had a dream about a funeral. And it got me thinking.
 There are a few places I know that I now know I have never been. What got me to realise this was the funeral. It was so disturbing it woke me up. As I sat I started to question just where the town was.
  I remember this place and have dreamt of it often. I know the lay of the land and the streets. I know where I used to work and I remember it in all types of weather. But I almost always see it abandoned and in ruins. There are three towns actually.
  There is a place where two rivers meet. A large river runs north and south in  a very wide flat valley. The west bank is beyond sight and the east bank where I am is high ground like a broad ridge running back from the water. The ridge drops off steeply for a hundred feet to the valley floor and away to the river that is a half mile away from the base of the hill. A second valley comes in from the east with two streams in it. The north stream runs through an overgrown wetlands criss crossed by rusty fences and under a small iron bridge, then away across weedy fields to the trees along the river. A quarter mile further along a larger stream or small river runs close along the steep southern wall of the valley and there the road rises on a dike and crosses a large iron bridge set on stone bases.
 The road meets the hill half way up at the end of the bridge and runs up along the curve of the hill to the south.  From the north the road is made of crushed stone and follows the line of the valley along the top of the hill, it sets back some distance from the edge and the trees along the road shield the river from view. As the road reaches the valley from the east, the way curves down and you enter a small town made mostly of gray block or stone buildings that line the road. This road meets another road that comes from the east in a T intersection. Somehow I know that the second road is the main street. Many of the buildings seem to be in ruins with missing roofs and broken windows. Abandoned.
  If you turn right at the intersection you go a few buildings further and the road turns
sharply down hill again in front of a block building with three windows, and you see a long low road stretching across the valley from there. In many dreams the river is in flood and the valley is filled with water showing just the trees and tall grasses with the road just above the flow. At other times I come from the south and the valley is completely flooded with swirling water.
  Where the bridge at the south meets the hill side there is another small town. This one
seems much older. Two roads come together just off the bridge. the one from the north
enters the intersection as it passes a large two story stone building with dark windows.
The stones are mossy like the stone of the hills. The north road almost seems to split here and two roads go off at angles. One fairly straight and it angles upward following the slope of the hill up toward the ridge above, the other goes away to the south as well but it angles to the right around a building at the edge of the intersection and then goes down along the hill toward the river valley floor. From the right, or east another road comes in along the side of the hill above the small river. The houses in this town I seem to know better and have been in some of them. I know where the stores are and what they sell.
What lays along the roads south I do not know.
  If I take the road to the east along the small river the road rises after a while and crosses the top of the hill then turns away from the valley and drops down into a small town also in ruins. Here the few buildings are again without roofs and made from gray blocks. I know that one was a garage, or shop, of some kind and that I worked there for a time.
   I know that far to the south a large city lies along the east side of the river. For many
years I thought that these were memories of some place I had visited as a boy or in my
travels as a young man, but I came to realize that I had no idea where it might have been.
  The funeral seemed to be in the town to the north and only three of us were there. I won't go into that now.
  There is another town I remember as well. A city along a river somewhere. I could remember it so well that I have been tempted to ask my wife and friends where it was. There is a bridge over the river and I remember driving across it. I remember being annoyed at the traffic and at a huge traffic circle at the north end of town by the college. I remember the huge catholic church on the south side of the circle and the block long stone building on the east side.
  I remember looking for a parking spot at the college.
  But I have never been to anywhere like these places.
  Am I the only nut who has memories of places they have never been? 
I was born about 100 years too early, or to late.

Offline Brian D. Bray

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Re: I remember places I've never been
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2010, 10:24:24 pm »
What you are experiencing is call associative or assisted dreaming.  You are actually a part of some one else's dream and are seeing everything from  there point of view.  In such a dream you can even understand and converse in foreign languages and if aroused from such a dream while participating in it you can become confused as the ability to understand the language deminishes as awakening grows. 

I experience such dreams about once a week.  I've done it in German, Thai, Japanese, Spanish, and Turkish, which isn't so bad as I understand those languages to some extent.  I've even had associative dreams in Chinook Jargon (the trade language of NW Indians still used in Parts of the PNW).  When done in other languages I experience a greater degree of confusion when awakening.

Evidently you've built up a close association with the person you are assisting during the dreams as you experience it so much. As such I would think this contact is primnarily an empathic relationship where you give the primary dreamer emotional support and understanding.
Most of my associative dreaming has to do with assisting people with their problems in the work place in which I have experience, mostly Law Enforcement and Restaurant Management but also in farming and even beekeeping.

Associative or assisted dreaming can be very enriching as you actually gain experience while advising some one else, even if it is in dream form.  Assocoatove dreaming is the ultimate in "sleeping on it.".
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Offline ayyon2157

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Re: I remember places I've never been
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2010, 12:42:21 pm »
Hello Wayne:

     In a different fashion, I remember scenes which I had never participated in.  At different periods of my  life, I was writing "the great American novel"  (which I abandoned after a couple of chapters) I created scenes WHICH I NOW CLEARLY REMEMBER AS HAVING HAPPENED TO ME.

     Where I grew up, there was a railroad one mile to the East of our farmhouse, but often when I visit the area in my dreams, it is running by the house, which is the only difference I have noticed.

     I believe it is possible at times to CHANGE the past, or at least our recollection of it under some circumstances.  My wife and I have clearly contridictory memories about certain things which we experienced together.

     On another subject, I don't believe the moon landing was faked.  Too many people would have to have been involved, and I personally know some of them.

     The holes and unnatural terrain seen at area 51 could be for training purposes and testing of vehicles.

     Glad to see some activity on"Dark of the Moon" again.

William H. Michaels

Offline mick

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Re: I remember places I've never been
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2010, 04:04:52 am »
What I cant work out is when we dream and see strangers, ala people we dont know, are these people created by our imagination, or are they say, faces we have seen 20 years ago on the TV news?  Id like to be marooned on an Island with BDB, I reckin we would leave as eminent scientists.

I thnk area 51 is now used as a decoy, be another site somewhere in Romania etc that is used for secret testing IMO.

Offline wayne

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Re: I remember places I've never been
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2010, 04:06:23 pm »
  After some thinking I have began to question what I remember of my life.
  I had always thought that these were places I had seen as a child or in my wanderings, and never thought of why I didn't see many people.
  I don't sleep well and usually know I'm dreaming, so I tend to know what happened and what was a dream.
  But this spooked me.
I was born about 100 years too early, or to late.

Offline cidersabuzzin

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Re: I remember places I've never been
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2010, 06:15:33 pm »
  After some thinking I have began to question what I remember of my life.
  I had always thought that these were places I had seen as a child or in my wanderings, and never thought of why I didn't see many people.
  I don't sleep well and usually know I'm dreaming, so I tend to know what happened and what was a dream.
  But this spooked me.

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Offline dragonfly

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Re: I remember places I've never been
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2010, 02:53:26 pm »
I always have weird dreams, not good ones, not bad ones, just weird ones.:)

My current thoughts about dreams are that they could be subconscious issues coming to the surface, and the place of the dream may not be as important as the symbols, and what they say about subconscious.

Offline Scadsobees

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Re: I remember places I've never been
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2010, 05:30:29 pm »
Every year at about this time I start dreaming that I own a barn or some other structure, and it is infested with multiple honeybee hives that I'm going to need to extract, and I'm always looking forward to it.  Then later in the day I keep thinking that I have more hives than I do because I still have these extractions to do.  Good times!!

I have very strange dreams and have long ago learned not to read anything into them.  Often they relate to something I've been thinking about, anticipating, or even watched on TV.  You might be dreaming something that you watched on tv long ago. 

Thankfully I've never dreamed about being on an island being chased by a smoke monster. :roll: