it's also worth noting that langstroth's original frames were foundationless. this is something that most experienced beekeepers don't know (or don't remember)'s amazing the "forgotten" information that has always been in the abc (xyz) that no one ever seems to have noticed.
the industry did jump on the foundation bandwagon very quickly when it became available...which of course also started to mess with the cell size.
i've ordered myself a couple of old a.i. root books that i've seen at another beekeepers house...the only books i've seen that were published after the invention (and wide adoption) of foundation that gave an anyalisis on situations where foundation helps, and where it holds the bees/the beekeeper back. to be honest, i was reading this as i was falling asleep one night, and didn't absorb the information, but will share it here when i return home and have a chance to look it over carefully.