We all think (from time to time) that 2012 seems like the end, what if it is ONLY THE BEGINNING??
Imagine if in 2012 the NEXT STEP IN TECHNOLOGY CHANGES THE WORLD, or a CHANGE IN HUMAN FETUS toward a healthier childhood? Lots and lots of GREAT THINGS will happen by then.
Technolgy, just look at what we could do today with Cellphones, from full length moies to GPS to txt to an actual photo and of couse mp3 player and 12 other Dick Tracey like features.
I'm thinking on this occasion and THIS MAY SOUND a LITTLE FAR OUT FROM ME :catchchick:
I think the next big product and it already exists - a roll-up and similar to these telphlon cookie tray liner. This say 11x18 screen that rolls up will be the COMPLETE media center through your 3G or future info/data interaction AND THIS IS YOUR TOUCH MONITOR: you will have a small PC unit and of course a power plant.
If kept in grayscale low light out - or high quality gaming on a bus on a 20 inch monitor on your lap. POWER is always the issues. Public Transit MUST UPDATE THEIR SYSTEM to offer FREE POWER CABLE TO LAPTOPS and FREE WIFI.
The PRODUCT I mentioned is a cookie sheet (big one) rollup affordable screen - it's CPU and bater - and many choose a keyboard and mouse now with cam.
That alone will be a paradygm shift - where we have something about the side of a city size newspaper. That is how this technolgy was started as DAILY NEWS PAPER that would be atached to the rear of every seat on a bus or subway. In the short ride that GEOFF and I went from Port Authority to the to EMPIRE STATE BUILDING - we had a TV showing HOW he was going, and about 10 channels from tourism, to the governor and mayor welcoming you.
I still will ALWAYS BEG YOU TO TAKE YOUR FAMILY TO WASHINGTON, DC in the FALL - it is a wonderful and hardly any crowds :) I stay in Chevy Chase, MD and take the hallway elevator down to the METRO SUBWAY - go twoward Metro Center - you are on the Yellow line, you simple stay on the yellow to go back to Union Station the Trainstation or SWITCH at METRO CENTER and you go to the SMITHSONIAN for eveything from the WW2, Reflective pool, View Nam Wall, Korea and others to the Lincoln memorial - for these ALWAYS TAKE SMITHSONIAN not FOGGY BOTTOM which looks enticing - it is a long serious uphill grade away from the subway toward anything north - MANY steeeeeep blocks.
Same goes, if you are going to Air and Space, Hirshorn, the Mall, Capitol,across the Mall from Archive, American and Natural history and others - for THAT get of at Lan Fant (sp) It goes right to the back of the air and Space, you can spend a whole day there.
I would love to see an OVER NIGHT - MAYBE 2 NIGHTS Beemaster Forum Members WASHINGTON DC Gathering. Nothing fansy, we all shakehands, have lunch somewhere we find, enjoy meeting everyone else - allow 4 hours to meet and walk around DC if you wish. It would be a lot of fun.
Another good place is BALTIMORE INNER HARBOR during the cooler (not freezing, just cooler weather) and seeing the 3D Imax, the Aquarium, a building that I think is 6 sided and called the World Trade Center of Baltimore. You can go 28 floors up and look around where Fort McHenry and Ole' Glory which flew right there in the American History - the flag that stood at the last significant battle of the Revoutionary war.
Water Taxi - cosy you $5 for a had sticker that lets you ride around the harbor to Fort Mcenry - incldes a free bus ride to the fort for a long enjoyable walk aroung the fort. Lots of photos, well preserved.
a water taxi to Little Italy and so on. As a group we use our heads and take TAXIS at night to EVERY WHERE - it is NOT a safe city to walk anywhere.
So, without taking a poll - either 1 or 2 days or done in BALTIMORE INNER HABOR (very affordable - I can order rooms at nearly half off with the Fed ID Card, so I look for less expensive places so more people can attend,
That Embassy Suite I stay in about 10 miles North of Smithsonian subway exit that SUITE (not just a room) ost $325 a night, I get for $109 as a Gov Emplyee) we save a ton on trips and it is encouraged.
Ok KEN.... YOU GET TO SPLIT THAT ON UP :whip: :cindi: