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OBE - experiencing your inner energy
« on: February 28, 2005, 03:09:37 pm »
I posted this on another forum after receiving many replies to my Out of Body Experience page.

The toughest thing is to let go when the vibration state occurs, it is VERY intense, nearly painful - almost like an electric muscle stimulator but NOISEY with the accompanying sounds. Getting past the vibration isn't easy especially when it is very electrical in feeling.

You have to tell yourself to "Let go" and I've heard saying "Up and out" is a good mantra if you feel the need to say something when in a relaxed state. The good news is that you won't alway experience the vibrations - it can be bi-passed when the conditions are right, but I think it dwindles after many episodes of OBE also.

About being pregnant - man is that an interesting subject to study. I promise to search the net and even post some great sites that have helped me with my studies, but I don't have an answer right now. Personally, I believe you are two bodies sharing the same conscience collective - a "one and one makes three" kind of thinking where IF you are tuned into your conscience side, chances are you can also draw some of the energy and conscience of your baby.

I don't pretend to say "when" babies gain a conscienceness, but I "do think" it is long before birth. I don't think of engery floating around and looking for a body to attach itself to - and least not waiting for birth to occur before connecting with the physical body. There are so many interesting variables. If I had to think of it in logical terms, I'd say once the baby's brain has developed enough to accept or develope the conscienceness is when awareness occurs.

It starts to sound like a reincarnation thing, but it is far from that I think. I think our brains as a sponge made of special material which can filter only  the types of energy that it is physically designed to hold. You are the make up of your genes and enviroment and later when you have self awareness, you can also alter your consciencessness.

Good and bad people are very different mentally, their mind's makeup dictates their personality as well as their conscienceness. It's not to hard to see how some people are very enlightened and it brings them great peace and adversely some are evil and filled with great hatred toward everything - I don't think there are too many people composed of each enlightenment and evil - those who are, are the true Anti-Christs of the world. The creatures capable of unimaginable horrors.

I rarely use the term spirit because of the ghostly sound or religious tone it can take, but I think conscience and spirit are synonomous terms - at least as far as our limited understanding of our Universe goes. But we are all magnets, as everything in the Universe with mass are. We are lucky in that we have the physical makeup and mental capability to express our feelings and emotions. That is why prayer and mass prayer are so powerful, they create a field of energy that can overlap other fields of similar energy magnifying the outcome.

My wife said one time after listening to me ramble on that our conscience energy sounds like adding detergent to a dishwasher, it enters and mixes and mixes around until it effects everything it comes in contact with - that is not a bad analogy at all.

Years ago I had started Tai Chi with the hopes to experience my own energy field out side of the body. It took weeks and weeks of trying simple repetitive motions to finally feel the very first time that I could recognise this energy. I had a powerful energy feeling between my hands and literally woke her up to see if she could feel anything between my throbbing palms. Sadly, she could not - but I'm sure that is a VERY different subject and it takes NOTHING away from experiencing the feeling oneself.

Here is a modified but simple exercise that I believe is a real aid to experience our own energy: I recommend this to anyone who wants to experience their own conscience energy without having to have an OBE.

Place your hands like you are holding a Slinky - both hand palms up or slightly tilted inwards and about 18 inches apart. Slowly move one hand up and the other down equally and imagine the weight of the slinky flowing from one palm to the other as the mass of the spring moves from hand to hand.

The trick is to seriously imagine that weight flowing from palm to palm as if the Slinky is really there. Try this maybe twice a day for about a week and or less and you will start to feel the smooth transistion of weight from hand to hand as if there were indeed a Slinky there.

Then slowly move your hand and arms around, keeping the palms parellel to each other and imagine what the amount of weight between the two would be at that point - meanwhile, try to imagine it more of a ballon able to expand outwards as the weight shifts and you will find with a little practice that there is an energy which repells your hands away from each other. It might help to move your hands with palms facing each other in slow figure eights and modify the angles of your palms to best feel the power of the energy.

Literally, you can feel tingling in the hands and as you press your hands toward each other, you can feel great resistance and if squeezing a ballon between your hands. Try tilting the palms slightly away from parellel and you will see that the weight/energy fades and moves in the direction the dominent hand (where the energy is AT during that particular motion - not a lefthanded or right handed person issue) and adjust the other hand to realign to capture the energy and again let it flow and balance between the hands.

With some practice, you can literally toss the energy away from the body as if it were conneced by a rubber band and pull it back in. I think of it as a large hola hoop feeling where the energy flows out and back toward you. Keep trying these different steps and the energy will come quicker and quicker as you sit down each time. You are looking for VERY SMALL differences in weight shifting but the force (once felt) is undeniable - it can be as powerful a feeling as the vibration state - which it is VERY MUCH LIKE.

Meditators, Yoga students can also feel the balance differences in weight as they move about doing their thing. Remember as I said in the first post, much of the OBE is a balance difference in the inner ear: finding the perfect head position when you sleep can greatly aid your OBE attempts.

Balance is the key to all these variations. There was an old saying I remember a teaching saying when I was a kid "You could balance an elephant on top of a vertical standing pencil if the weight were distributed right" That saying for some reason NEVER left me - and now I totally understand that.

In order for all these to work, you need to find yourself in a place of near perfect balance (even if all you are balancing is your hand relative to each other - as in the Slinky exercise) or the inner ear when attempting OBE. These minute changes in weight allows all the physical body parts involves to be balanced on top of the vertical pencil and ANY CHANGES in the conscience being can then be felt - you are literally holding the physical body in zero gravity relative to the conscience being. That is when you are able to feel the minute' energy of the consciencess at play.

Remember, the mass of the body holds the consciencess inside it - like the people on Earth are held to the planet. Gravity is a very formitable force. But we know it can be overcome, we can just jump and leave the Earth, if only for a second - but it can be done.

OBE or these other experiments with the conscieneness are very similar - you are trying to leave you body, something you rarely do (probably as often as your body leaves the ground) and before you can master the exercises, you need to recognise the subtleties. Balance is the key and recognising how powerful the mass of our bodies compared to a near weightless conscience will greatly help you on your way.

Hope that has helped some. More next time - off to work now. I'll check in to what I can find on pregnancy, that is really interesting, I can't wait to find something and share.

Talk again soon :)
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Offline latebee

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OBE - experiencing your inner energy
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2005, 10:54:06 pm »
Keep talkin' about this,personally I find it facinating. You aren't the least bit afraid or intimidated by OBE  are you? I guess I would be very wary of attempting it myself because of all the unknowns.So change our minds,maybe we can all become more aware.
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OBE - experiencing your inner energy
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2005, 12:45:09 am »
:roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll: :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

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OBE - experiencing your inner energy
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2005, 08:35:49 am »
Thanks Latebee:

I don't think TWT has much faith in my observations - lol. I try to think this subject out scientifically which works best for me. I'll post some more stuff I have written, just in case you are interested in the topic with deeper thinking.


Sorry for my lengthy approach to things, I know I can get long winded, but I try to keep some order to my thinking, so that it flows well.

It is fascinating to think that this could be the next step in human evolution - stepping beyond the body and out into the endless reaches of time and space. I do though think it is coming soon and it will be commonplace.

Glad you are enjoying my post - I'm adding a bit more content to that topic soon, I already have some tips and techniques better detailing basic ways to fool the inner ear balance system to better trigger responces toward OBE. I promise to post them here once I get it all organized better.

Again thanks for reading that - I know it was a long one, but if it helps even one person better understand how natural (and even common) these events are, then it was worth every word typed.

Don't fear it, play with it - the very least it will do is strengthen your belief in the unlimited ability of the human mind and even spark a few ideas of your own how it can be used to make us humans more humane toward each other.


Whoa. Probably the longest post I've read. Congratulations though it was interesting enough that I did finish it. There are quite a few interesting points. I think I've been close to having an OBE but I don't remember the vibration feeling. I do remember voices and weightlessness and the paralysis though. Most of the time when I feel like I'm getting close I get freaked out and don't want to leave my body, almost like I feel a sense of foreboding out there.[/b]

Glad to see this topic finally getting some attention - I posted that original post a while ago and was hoping some others had interest  

The toughest thing is to let go when the vibration state occurs, it is VERY intense, nearly painful - almost like an electric muscle stimulator but NOISEY with the accompanying sounds. Getting past the vibration isn't easy especially when it is very electrical in feeling.

You have to tell yourself to "Let go" and I've heard saying "Up and out" is a good mantra if you feel the need to say something when in a relaxed state. The good news is that you won't alway experience the vibrations - it can be bi-passed when the conditions are right, but I think it dwindles after many episodes of OBE also.

About being pregnant - man is that an interesting subject to study. I promise to search the net and even post some great sites that have helped me with my studies, but I don't have an answer right now. Personally, I believe you are two bodies sharing the same conscience collective - a "one and one makes three" kind of thinking where IF you are tuned into your conscience side, chances are you can also draw some of the energy and conscience of your baby.

I don't pretend to say "when" babies gain a conscienceness, but I "do think" it is long before birth. I don't think of engery floating around and looking for a body to attach itself to - and least not waiting for birth to occur before connecting with the physical body. There are so many interesting variables. If I had to think of it in logical terms, I'd say once the baby's brain has developed enough to accept or develope the conscienceness is when awareness occurs.

It starts to sound like a reincarnation thing, but it is far from that I think. I think our brains as a sponge made of special material which can filter only the types of energy that it is physically designed to hold. You are the make up of your genes and enviroment and later when you have self awareness, you can also alter your consciencessness.

Good and bad people are very different mentally, their mind's makeup dictates their personality as well as their conscienceness. It's not to hard to see how some people are very enlightened and it brings them great peace and adversely some are evil and filled with great hatred toward everything - I don't think there are too many people composed of each enlightenment and evil - those who are, are the true Anti-Christs of the world. The creatures capable of unimaginable horrors.

I rarely use the term spirit because of the ghostly sound or religious tone it can take, but I think conscience and spirit are synonomous terms - at least as far as our limited understanding of our Universe goes. But we are all magnets, as everything in the Universe with mass are. We are lucky in that we have the physical makeup and mental capability to express our feelings and emotions. That is why prayer and mass prayer are so powerful, they create a field of energy that can overlap other fields of similar energy magnifying the outcome.

My wife said one time after listening to me ramble on that our conscience energy sounds like adding detergent to a dishwasher, it enters and mixes and mixes around until it effects everything it comes in contact with - that is not a bad analogy at all.

Years ago I had started Tai Chi with the hopes to experience my own energy field out side of the body. It took weeks and weeks of trying simple repetitive motions to finally feel the very first time that I could recognise this energy. I had a powerful energy feeling between my hands and literally woke her up to see if she could feel anything between my throbbing palms. Sadly, she could not - but I'm sure that is a VERY different subject and it takes NOTHING away from experiencing the feeling oneself.

Here is a modified but simple exercise that I believe is a real aid to experience our own energy: I recommend this to anyone who wants to experience their own conscience energy without having to have an OBE.

Place your hands like you are holding a Slinky - both hand palms up or slightly tilted inwards and about 18 inches apart. Slowly move one hand up and the other down equally and imagine the weight of the slinky flowing from one palm to the other as the mass of the spring moves from hand to hand.

The trick is to seriously imagine that weight flowing from palm to palm as if the Slinky is really there. Try this maybe twice a day for about a week and or less and you will start to feel the smooth transistion of weight from hand to hand as if there were indeed a Slinky there.

Then slowly move your hand and arms around, keeping the palms parellel to each other and imagine what the amount of weight between the two would be at that point - meanwhile, try to imagine it more of a ballon able to expand outwards as the weight shifts and you will find with a little practice that there is an energy which repells your hands away from each other. It might help to move your hands with palms facing each other in slow figure eights and modify the angles of your palms to best feel the power of the energy.

Literally, you can feel tingling in the hands and as you press your hands toward each other, you can feel great resistance and if squeezing a ballon between your hands. Try tilting the palms slightly away from parellel and you will see that the weight/energy fades and moves in the direction the dominent hand (where the energy is AT during that particular motion - not a lefthanded or right handed person issue) and adjust the other hand to realign to capture the energy and again let it flow and balance between the hands.

With some practice, you can literally toss the energy away from the body as if it were conneced by a rubber band and pull it back in. I think of it as a large hola hoop feeling where the energy flows out and back toward you. Keep trying these different steps and the energy will come quicker and quicker as you sit down each time. You are looking for VERY SMALL differences in weight shifting but the force (once felt) is undeniable - it can be as powerful a feeling as the vibration state - which it is VERY MUCH LIKE.

Meditators, Yoga students can also feel the balance differences in weight as they move about doing their thing. Remember as I said in the first post, much of the OBE is a balance difference in the inner ear: finding the perfect head position when you sleep can greatly aid your OBE attempts.

Balance is the key to all these variations. There was an old saying I remember a teaching saying when I was a kid "You could balance an elephant on top of a vertical standing pencil if the weight were distributed right" That saying for some reason NEVER left me - and now I totally understand that.

In order for all these to work, you need to find yourself in a place of near perfect balance (even if all you are balancing is your hand relative to each other - as in the Slinky exercise) or the inner ear when attempting OBE. These minute changes in weight allows all the physical body parts involves to be balanced on top of the vertical pencil and ANY CHANGES in the conscience being can then be felt - you are literally holding the physical body in zero gravity relative to the conscience being. That is when you are able to feel the minute' energy of the consciencess at play.

Remember, the mass of the body holds the consciencess inside it - like the people on Earth are held to the planet. Gravity is a very formitable force. But we know it can be overcome, we can just jump and leave the Earth, if only for a second - but it can be done.

OBE or these other experiments with the conscieneness are very similar - you are trying to leave you body, something you rarely do (probably as often as your body leaves the ground) and before you can master the exercises, you need to recognise the subtleties. Balance is the key and recognising how powerful the mass of our bodies compared to a near weightless conscience will greatly help you on your way.

Hope that has helped some. More next time - off to work now. I'll check in to what I can find on pregnancy, that is really interesting, I can't wait to find something and share.


We have read a fair amount on this but none so well put as yours. We are new to attempting this and have yet to take flight. Will keep you all posted.

Great posts here - thanks for the kind words about my theories. I don't think I've opened up the door yet, but I believe my key fits the lock - someday I'll be able to turn that key - but as with all of us, I think on THAT day it will be a one-way trip to wherever we go from here  

About me, I am a boiler plant operator for the Navy, I work at Navy Lakehurst where the Hindenburg Crashed on May 6th, 1937 (about 1 mile from here) - full bio at www.beemaster.com/bio.html but the links in my signature below can also give you some insight to my interests.

SHREDDER: I agree with so many of your points. The BEST way to experience the OBE is on your back, which incidentally allows for the easiest inner ear balance - sadly for me, I am a stomach sleeper and trying to perfectly balance the fluids THAT way would smother me - lol.

The magnetic energy of high wattage equipment, sound and other equipment seriously makes sense when you are dealing with near weightless energies. I say "near weightless" because it makes sense that "in order for the mass of the physical body" to effect the conscienceness, the conscienceness needs to have mass too!

That was the theory of the movie 28grams - when you burned the body, you could account for all of its weight minus 28grams which they tribute to the soul. Interesting concept and I can't imagine the true weight, but I do believe our conscience does have mass.

About sleep paralasys (which I didn't mention in the last post) it is scary as Hell - I don't wish that on anyone UNLESS they are seeking OBEs and are using it as proof of the experience. The time we are away from the body is interesting to imagine - is it seconds, nanoseconds, minutes? Can we really assume everything we experience during OBE is in REAL time?

I do know that when you have paralasys it is in REAL TIME recovering control over your motor function. I know I have been "down for the count" for nearly a minute where I had no idea what on Earth was happening - it wasn't really as if I were glued to the floor, but better put, I had no feeling to speak of, as if my entire body fell asleep like a hand or foot can do. My head was trying to thrash around with absolutely no helf from anything from the neck down.

Regaining control though was not a slow and painful process as a foot waking up can be - once my MIND was back in control, my body got right up and went about its business. So it was like a switch flipping when the control returned, but a scarey 60+ seconds waiting for it to happen.

About the vibrational state - you mention the deafening noise in the silence - that is pretty good indeed. I think it goes beyond hearing, well into the actual body, and as I think about it - it very well could be an ALL SYSTEMS SHUTTING DOWN noise, as if your conscience is killing all the circuit breakers to the motor control - putting everything Physical on Auto-pilot while the conscience takes a ride away from the body.

My own need to explore this topic literally came from my fear that something was wrong with me - I didn't know an OBE from Adam and luckily that program with William Bulman set me on a quest to understand this in a way that made sense to my doubting mine. I always had an interest in how we can tie theology and creationism together and I really don't think it all that tough if you think of the Bible as mostly parable - or better put - told in a way that average people could explain a very complex interaction of everything that is LONG before technical terminology was the standard.

If the Bible were written a thousand years from now it would be a very differently written book, but I think the message would be the same. I don't want to get into religions, but I do think though that BELIEF in a creator is a very positive force and sets us all on the correct path toward our own creation.

So again, check out the bio, and the other stuff at www.beemaster.com if you are interested - I have a ton of topics, over 300 pages and I hope some interesting content. My site is my hobby, as is teaching beekeeping through the Internet. It keeps me busy when my brain wants to think too much - lol. Peace.


I am still at work, where I typed my last post. I got thinking about what really passes on from parent to child, still thinking about pregnacy here I guess.

There is no doubt in my mind that the brain is a physical part of the body, it is more miraculous in its ability than most body parts - but watch a talented person playing the piano, dancing, driving a Nascar, flying a plane, playing a video game... All that stuff is pretty miraculous when you look at it. Of course it all involves the brain, much subconsciously: playing the piano at lightning speed with independant hand movements could never be a conscience act.

I'm pretty fluent in morse code, I'm good at receiving 40 words per minute at about 100% accuracy. If I were to try and write the code down, I limit myself to about 15 to 18wpm and if I had to say -.-. is a "C" and do that with every letter, now I'm down to 5wpm.

The trick with any learned skill is to take a backseat to the action in the foreground - with morse code, you must simply listen and let the letters and words form in your head. But anything that is too fast for conscience actions is controlled by the subconscience and completed through muscle memory.

Just buy a new microwave which has a button you have to push rather than a handle you have to pull to open it - it could take you weeks and months to overcome the muscle memory of how you opened the old microwave. Lots of stuff have to happen, but you need to train those muscles through conscience actions to properly open the door - if left to the subsconscience, you would grab for a non-existant handle forever.

So the question on the table is: in OBE we are letting the conscience fly about, breaking the bonds of time and space - literally going where it wants or (if we can really master it) go where we want it to, as in remote viewing, etc.. But while all that is happening, what is going on with the SUB-conscience? Is "IT" in control of the body while we are away rather than thinking of it as on auto-pilot during the away trip of the conscience?

I've been thinking about this for an hour now, trying to prove or disprove any involement of the subconscience involement with OBE and so far I can not!

I'll layout two strange OBEs to try and prove or disprove this point.

The later OBE was interesting strange. I found myself with little vibration and no paralasys that I can recall - I think this could be BECAUSE my OBE away time was very short. I do think that the longer you are away from the body, the MORE paralasys you will experience. In a way, sleep paralasys is an away timer.

During this voyage I popped into a dimly lit brick walled and dirt floor basement. It was rich in colors and shadows. I didn't see anything that you would expect; a breaker box, a hotwater heater, etc.. It was wet and even the walls seemed wet and I was VERY close to the ground, as if I were at MOUSE height, but everything appeared normal size not giant as it must to a mouse.

I purposely looked around the room for a few seconds and I found a set of steps leading up. I tried to will myself to go up the stairs but somehow BREECHED my fragile OBE and popped back in body.

The earlier was fascinating. I spun in full circles upward, through the ceiling way above my home and far enough up to see my entire small town from a stationary spot in the sky. I notice (as in other adventures which took place outside) it was night but my eyes had adjusted well.

Whenever out and about, I have some degree of control, able to fly around and I have even rised to the upper atmosphere looking down and seeing details of the continents. Looking back, I don't know if these were accurate details of the landscape below, but it surely was Earth like in its makeup of water to land ratio.

I really don't know what snapped me back in body this time, but I think it was something outside of my control - like a car door slamming or something else. There was lag time, minor paralasys on this occasion but my recall was very good and it did not fade from my memory as a dream might.

In both cases I try to find subconscience interaction, either at the body or out in the OBE - but I can't think of anything that remotely called for subconscience activity. I am thinking that the subconscience has to be muted as well as the neccessary relaxation of the body.

Of course we have the different OBE state - the state of complete motion as I think I have called it prior. That is where you are so fully involved with repetitive physical motions that the subconscience is practically 100% busy and the conscience gets the opertunity to exit out of the body which and play.

Runners, speed walkers, production line workers, musicians playing and instrument all can step back (as if a third party) and experience their mundane or repetitive tasks from a viewers prospective. This is a great case to prove the subconscience can be in use while an OBE occurs.

Whether still or in full motion, the conscience and subconscience are indeed two distinct entities and under the right circumstance OBE can occur. I just believe that the subconscience really enjoys doing bodily things and the conscience wants to think and play. And once the conscience understands that the playground extends WAY beyond the body, then making those trips outside and beyond the flesh gets easier and easier.

It's just like driving a car, after a short time - you become the car. It becomes a product of muscle memory and subconscience movements. I know my wife zones out on her daily drive to work and often her 30 minute drive goes by spooky quick - lol. I got her interested in audiobooks and now she keeps her conscience busy while driving, which I think is better than doing some OBE thing.

So whether you give it nothing to do or have it juggle 10 balls at once, I think your subconscience is like a three way switch, you can turn it on or off at the top and bottom of the stairs. There is no middle ground where you can have OBEs, I honestly believe that to be so.

Sorry for the long back to back posts. Midnights at work can get long and with George Noory in the background and a heavy snowfall outside, I have a great background for writing these epic posts. Luckily I type fast and rarely rework the text - except for obvious spelling errors. But I feel that whatever comes out was suppose to come out - so I don't correct much unless "I" don't even understand it.

NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.

Offline latebee

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OBE - experiencing your inner energy
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2005, 10:32:29 pm »
Bravo! Really absorbed by your thoughts on this subject.My only resevation is that the transition stage sounds like the recounting of people I know whom have been afflicted with strokes-the paralyses the noise etc. With some practice though, I do hope to experience the energy you described when imagining a slinky transferring its weight from hand to hand, or the ballon with its resistance.Although I am not the least bit skeptical, going any further than this right now would be a little too much of an adventure for me personaly,until I have a better grasp on the issue.Reading and learning from your experiences will be enough to whet my appetite. Thanks for the challenge Beemaster.
The person who walks in another's tracks leaves NO footprints.

Offline BigRog

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OBE - experiencing your inner energy
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2005, 07:03:05 am »
Wandering far,
going alone,
lying in a cave:
the mind.
Those who restrain it:
from Mara's bonds
they'll be freed.

-Dhammapada, 3, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"

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obe etc.
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2005, 02:45:52 am »
Anybody here studied ROSACRUCIAN stuff? The "energy transfer" from hand to hand sounds very much like one of their "lessons".
William H. Michaels

