A Halloween Scare
I am going to tell you a frightening story. It is one so scary that women, children and cowards should not read or be told of it. It is a story of your own death. What makes it so terrible is that its true, it is real, it is happening now.
Because of you, your indifference to justice, your refusal to right wrongs within your community and society I have spent many nights alone in the dark with only my anger to keep me warm. Not your problem, I have made it your problem. I spent this time considering how I can destroy all life on earth, yes, even kangaroos. I have thought about how if I can’t kill you all how can I make sure that when your grandchildren’s children cry, it won’t be for you but for themselves.
When Timothy McVey hit the news I was able to say he was a punk who accomplished nothing except his own death. Tim destroyed some valuable property that could be rebuilt and killed some people who could be replaced at a dime a dozen. This proved I was right when I decided bombs and bullets, at least from my direction, were not the solution. You would know your were under attack and hunt me down. I would be stopped before I had completed my goal.
I knew even before Tim, one alternative was an army of angry men who could be moved to violence and manipulated or at least influenced by me. Such people as I’m looking for, as individuals and organized groups, can be found in the lunatic fringe and on the web. The Freedom of Information Act has also been useful. All I needed was a charismatic leader to unite and lead them. A tremendous task but one I had a lifetime to accomplish.
All this changed on 9/11/01. I had my army. I only needed to enter into a dialogue with them, influence the Jihadists thinking and direct their efforts towards meeting my objectives. I opened this dialogue by asking why the World Trade Center was a target. The answer was predictable. Jews control the U.S. government. That is why when Israel goes to war the United States goes to war right along with it, airlifting all the supplies Israel needs. Jews control international banking and trade. The trade center then was full of Jews. Striking the towers was a blow against Israel. Americans worship money. By knocking down the trade center our Holy of Holies was destroyed sparking a religious war.
I told Ray Daily about this. As a child playing ball in the street he had gotten his head caught in a storm grate while trying to retrieve a ball that had rolled into the drain. The fire department had to be called, he got his picture in the paper and it was all around a big event. Ray wanted to argue with me on a spiritual and moral base. My response was to say he was talking to the wrong end of the horse. I was only repeating what other people with violent intentions have told me. My intention was to understand their anger and hatred so I could manipulate them. In response to his comments about anti-Semitism I replied that the Reverend Jessie Jackson had referred to New York City as Hymmytown. He was forced to apologize but I doubted if by simply silencing him his mind was changed and that there are many others who agree with what Jessie said. I then reminded him I am not anti-Semitic but anti-life.
I also shared my “An Argument Against the Murder of Judges†on the web. This essay offers proof that murdering pedophiles control the courts. It concludes with the suggestion that individual judges should be investigated and their wrong doings exposed as a means of closing down unjust courts. My audience enjoyed this and offered the suggestion that before the judges were revealed they should have added to their misdeeds the acceptance of a bribe from Al Quida. Ray argued this was not necessary. He said corrupt officials are being revealed and charged with their crimes all the time. I gave the opinion this was not so much the result of sincere people on a crusade for honest government but villains conducting vendettas against other villains. It was kind of like a drive by shooting or a mob rub out without the physical violence. With enough money to finance the investigation of a significant number of public officials the government could be shut down. Ray sputtered a bit about this but agreed it was possible.
Eventually the conversation moved to the subject of terror groups obtaining a nuclear weapon. The Jihadists said New York would remain a target but with all the extra security it would be difficult getting a nuclear device into the city. If they only had one they would have to be that much more careful. It was suggested that an atomic bomb is a proximity weapon; it only had to be near New York to do its job and might have a more disastrous effect that way. A topographical map overlaid with a highway map was examined. It was observed that central New Jersey formed a natural corridor between New York and Philadelphia. The features of this corridor would serve to funnel a majority of the blast towards the two cities. Midway between the cities is the town of Bound Brook. Here a few highways come together and there are railroads and pipelines that would be destroyed by a blast occurring there thus disrupting a much larger area.
Ray Daily became agitated on hearing this, said he would go to the FBI and inform them, that I would be stopped. I told him it was too late, the deed was done. Instead Ray seems to have disappeared. I had suggested he first investigate local storm sewers as a possible blast shelter for him and his family. Perhaps he did and became wedged in one in a way similar to what happened to him as a child. There is a nasty smell of rotting corn beef and cabbage coming from a near by storm drain.
With Ray out of the way it was discussed if the people of Bound Brook and central New Jersey deserved this. While the Jahdists had an argument with the U.S. government was the average Joe, the typical American also their enemy? Abraham pleaded for Sodom saying to the Lord, Will you really sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people in it? Far be it from you to do such a thing, to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Viewing the various discussion forums for Bound Brook and reading their archives they obtained an answer. It became clear that like Sodom, the people of Bound Brook were a hateful and wicked people.
Of influence and use as well were the rumors of evil doing by “Stitch,†then a local police officer from the petty criminals and drug users of Bound Brook. With so many accusations of corruption and wrongdoing continuously made against him ranging from stealing from the police station coffee fund to ticket book rape to even blatant murder it was agreed such a person could easily be bribed not only to look the other way but also to provide protection to a base of nefarious activity. He was not the only regional police officer identified as such.
Perhaps if you had held your officials to high standards of integrity this could have been stopped but you did not. Maybe if you were not such a hateful people this would turn out differently but you are not. If you had not been so indifferent to the needs of others this might not have happened. What you are is ashes. By your own vices are you destroyed. Good riddance.
This has been only a Halloween concoction, the equivalent of throwing a sheet over my head and shouting "BOO." Or is it BOOM! Or is it?