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Author Topic: Varroa detected in Australia  (Read 73465 times)

Offline Lesgold

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Re: Varroa dedected in Australia
« Reply #40 on: July 03, 2022, 06:59:05 pm »
Just arrived home from a holiday out west. Looks like our worst fears are coming to reality. With spring and swarm season only a couple of months away, I am guessing an explosion in the spread of mite numbers will occur as the bees become more active. I?m only about 400km from the outbreak so I will expect to see the little critters on my door step before summer.  While away we went past a few almond plantations. They must be concerned at the moment due to the ban on bee movement. Haven?t checked yet but I expect my hives will be full of honey. Won?t be able to extract until we get the OK to do so.

Offline BeeMaster2

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Re: Varroa dedected in Australia
« Reply #41 on: July 03, 2022, 08:18:15 pm »
What does extracting honey have to do with the spread of mites, especially if you are doing it on site.
I definitely would not haul supers around but mites can?t hide in honey.
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Offline D C Boon

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Re: Varroa dedected in Australia
« Reply #42 on: July 03, 2022, 09:44:13 pm »
We're banned throughout NSW from moving or "tampering" with our hives (yes, that is actually the word they used. What it means is anyone's guess, but presumably includes extracting) except for doing varroa tests.

Online Ben Framed

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Re: Varroa dedected in Australia
« Reply #43 on: July 03, 2022, 11:50:12 pm »
Thanks for your answer DC and welcome to Beemaster!


Offline Lesgold

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Re: Varroa dedected in Australia
« Reply #44 on: July 04, 2022, 12:35:37 am »
Yes that is correct. Extracting honey or comb is not permitted at the moment. I am guessing that the experts want minimal impact in relation to disturbing hives. The weather has been awful over the past week and bee movement (within individual hives) has been almost non existent. I am not overly confident at the moment but we need to give the people who are running the show a chance to do their job.

Offline max2

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Re: Varroa dedected in Australia
« Reply #45 on: July 04, 2022, 03:52:39 am »
I went to the chemist today to buy some alcohol for an :" alcohol wash"  . She told me that she can't sell me Alcohol - illegal as it can be used as an explosive.

I guess Metho will do the trick?

I notice in " Scientific beekeeping" that " DAWN ULTRA" works even better. see here: https://scientificbeekeeping.com/refining-the-mite-wash-part-4-comparing-the-release-agents/

I have no idea if this detergent is available in Australia. Who makes it in the US? maybe the same company sells the same product under a different name.
Can anybody help?

Offline Lesgold

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Re: Varroa dedected in Australia
« Reply #46 on: July 04, 2022, 04:32:04 am »
Hi Max,

You should be able to use some of your 18 year old single malt. That should do a great job. Metho would also work.

Offline Bee North

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Re: Varroa dedected in Australia
« Reply #47 on: July 04, 2022, 06:39:08 am »
Ha ha...brilliant Les!!

Offline max2

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Re: Varroa dedected in Australia
« Reply #48 on: July 04, 2022, 07:53:29 am »
I've decided on the 18 year Single malt..

19 sites now...

Varroa mite emergency order extended to include Port Stephens

3 Jul 2022

The properties at Tanilba Bay, Salt Ash and another at Mayfield East are part of 16 premises now confirmed to have varroa mite infiltrating their hives.

?Further reporting by beekeepers and investigations by NSW DPI officers, has identified three varroa mite infestations at these properties,? Dr Anderson said.

?This means that the emergency order has been updated to include the Port Stephens Peninsula within the red 10km eradication zone, where hives will be euthanised.

?NSW DPI Biosecurity experts continue to act to protect the NSW Bee Industry in conjunction with the apiary industry, Local Land Services, NSW Police, Rural Fire Service and the wider community as part of the mammoth effort to arrest the spread of the threat.?

Mr Anderson said the NSW DPI continues to ask all people who have acquired honeybees (including queen bees, nucleus hives and hives with honeybees) from within the 50km emergency notification zone of the Port of Newcastle in the last 12-months to report them to help ensure business continuity for the honeybee industry.

?Community reporting will importantly help us facilitate and free up the movement of honeybees in the rest of NSW, especially around almond pollination,? Dr Anderson said.

?The varroa mite response plan has also been updated so that while it remains necessary to euthanise honeybee colonies in the eradication zones and destroy internal hive equipment such as brood and honey frames, other equipment will only be destroyed when a risk assessment deems it necessary, with options to decontaminate external equipment such as hive boxes, pallets and straps as well as metal ware, so they can be retained by beekeepers.

?Beekeepers are reminded of the group permit that allows flood-affected honeybees and hives in current flood watch areas to be moved to a higher location on premises, or if that?s not possible, within the same emergency zone.

?After the hives have been moved as per this Permit, they cannot be moved back to the original location. Notification of any change in location must be notified by the Beekeeper Notification ? Varroa mite online form at www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/varroa,? Dr Anderson said.

Further Information:

Throughout the remainder of NSW, no beehives or honeybees may be moved.

More information is available from NSW DPI: www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/varroa

Notification of any change in location must be notified by the Beekeeper Notification ? Varroa mite online form at www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/varroa

Online form: Report honeybee acquisition

Current flood warnings that may impact on the emergency zones can be sourced at http://www.bom.gov.au/

If you are not in a flood watch affected area you must not move honeybees or hives; significant penalties may apply under the Biosecurity Act 2015 if you do.

Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881 (9am to 5pm, 7 days a week).

Continue to check FAQs www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/varroa

Media contact: 02 6391 3686

Online Ben Framed

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Re: Varroa dedected in Australia
« Reply #49 on: July 04, 2022, 09:59:07 am »
Do the officials believe there is a realistic chance of eradicating the mite at this point?

Online Ben Framed

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Re: Varroa dedected in Australia
« Reply #50 on: July 04, 2022, 10:24:09 am »
Max I have been told windshield cleaner works well. (As poured in resolvers under the bonnet,used to squirt on the front glass of car windshields). This is sold in one gallon jugs here in America and is inexpensive.

At this point, it might not be a bad idea if everyone in Australia would check their hives regularly?


Online The15thMember

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Re: Varroa dedected in Australia
« Reply #51 on: July 04, 2022, 11:24:54 am »
I went to the chemist today to buy some alcohol for an :" alcohol wash"  . She told me that she can't sell me Alcohol - illegal as it can be used as an explosive.
If you guys can't buy isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol, what do you use to clean propolis off of your hive tools?  Because that's what I use, 70% isopropyl. 
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Offline Skeggley

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Re: Varroa dedected in Australia
« Reply #52 on: July 04, 2022, 11:43:47 am »
Do the officials believe there is a realistic chance of eradicating the mite at this point?
They wouldn?t be carrying out such drastic measures if they didn?t. I think they need to exhaust all options before admitting defeat.
Quote from: Ben Framed
At this point, it might not be a bad idea if everyone in Australia would check their hives regularly?
Everyone in NSW yes, I agree and would be surprised if they are not. However this may be difficult if as @D C Boon says tampering with hives is not permitted.
Anyway I wish them all the best over there.

Online Ben Framed

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Re: Varroa dedected in Australia
« Reply #53 on: July 04, 2022, 11:57:42 am »
Thanks Skeggle, as I said in reply 22 and it still holds true. I am 'still' rooting for you... I am looking at the reality of the situation as it seems to be spreading at an 'alarming rate'; Therefore the honest question... As from the beginning, wishing you the very best and total success in this.


Taken from reply 22:
"I will in no way try and dissuade efforts to control this pest by any method or means our friends see fit to try and deem necessary. At the end of the day they must be able to say "we did our best and we controlled the problem", or "we did our best even if the problem is not solved".

Whether a successful eradication of varroa or not; It may well be time for our friends Down Under to educate themselves about Varroa Destructor if they haven't already...
There is LOADS of GREAT information here at Beemaster for your convenience concerning 'every conceivable aspect' of Varroa; From research papers posted from all over the world concerning every aspect of varroa, including treatment methods along with the breakdown of treating tools. The Search engine at the top of the page, might be a best friend to our friends from DownUnder at this time, win, lose, or draw..."

Online Ben Framed

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Re: Varroa dedected in Australia
« Reply #54 on: July 04, 2022, 12:10:59 pm »
Quote from: Ben Framed
At this point, it might not be a bad idea if everyone in Australia would check their hives regularly?

Quoting Skeggley
"Everyone in NSW yes, I agree and would be surprised if they are not. However this may be difficult if as @D C Boon says tampering with hives is not permitted.
Anyway I wish them all the best over there."

I do too.. I am on the outside looking in. I am a simple hobby beekeeper in America, feeling pain for my beekeeping friends in Australia. I despise having to deal with varroa and do not want y'all to have to deal with it either.
My thinking was it might be a good idea to check hives Nationwide to get a clear picture and an accurate assessment of the actuality of the depth of the problem, giving a clear point of view as where to go from there.  Just my little input if effort of trying to help..

« Last Edit: July 12, 2022, 12:26:00 am by Ben Framed »

Offline NigelP

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Re: Varroa dedected in Australia
« Reply #55 on: July 04, 2022, 12:39:29 pm »
Not sure if this would come in the brief of "tampering"....but with open mesh floors just stick a tray underneath and pull it out 24-48 hours later. Varroa are quite obvious, red and round like a horseshoe crab. The only thing they can really be mistaken for is braula, but that is more insect looking.
It's not a good way of assessing levels of infection, but gives a rough and ready indication.

Offline max2

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Re: Varroa dedected in Australia
« Reply #56 on: July 04, 2022, 06:48:23 pm »
"If you guys can't buy isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol, what do you use to clean propolis off of your hive tools?  Because that's what I use, 70% isopropyl. "

We generally use 18 year old Single Malt. :grin:

Offline max2

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Re: Varroa dedected in Australia
« Reply #57 on: July 04, 2022, 06:49:28 pm »
Do the officials believe there is a realistic chance of eradicating the mite at this point?

Yes, they are still positive.
I understand that all the 19 cases are connected.
I try to stay positive

Offline max2

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Re: Varroa dedected in Australia
« Reply #58 on: July 04, 2022, 06:53:22 pm »
Thanks Skeggle, as I said in reply 22 and it still holds true. I am 'still' rooting for you... I am looking at the reality of the situation as it seems to be spreading at an 'alarming rate'; Therefore the honest question... As from the beginning, wishing you the very best and total success in this.


Phillip - I'm sure I'm not the only one her in Australia who has a laugh each time you in the US are " rooting" for us.
I'm lucky the police is not turning up and cnfiscating my computer!

Offline max2

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Re: Varroa dedected in Australia
« Reply #59 on: July 04, 2022, 06:58:45 pm »
I understand that " tampering" does NOT include doing an alcohol wash.
Also, as part of NSW is flodded ( again) beekeepers are allowed to move hives to higher ground on the same property.

The weather has turned quite nasty over the weekend ( it is Tuesday here now)

There is no way I could open a hive right now but I was able to do a check in one of my yards while the sun was shining.

I'm not in anaffected area ( not yet, anyway, and hoping for the best) but I have always done regular checks. I sell nuc's!